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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Did Senator Mikulski pull a Brian Williams and play loose with the facts?

Few will forget the sudden fall from grace of NBC’s “Nightly News” anchor, Brian Williams. He got caught exaggerating his supposed role in a helicopter incident during the Iraq War. The mouthy dude couldn’t stop fibbing about it. As a result, William lost his job and became a subject of a national joke line on the Internet. He even got his own hashtag#brianwilliamsmisremembers.

Enter U.S. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD).

President Barack Obama awarded Mikulski the “Medal of Freedom” at a White House ceremony on Nov.24, 2015. In his remarks, Obama related, “the often-told story of how the Highlandtown native, a daughter of Baltimore grocers, rose to political prominence in the 1960s by successfully blocking efforts to extend Interstate 70 through Fells Point.”

Obama relying on information supplied to him by Mikulski’s public relation’s machine, continued: “Let’s just say you don’t want to get on the wrong side of Barbara Mikulski. She stopped ‘that’ highway!”

Well, here’s a relevant question: Did Mikulski really have anything to do with stopping “that” highway (East-West Expressway) or is she pulling a Brian Williams on the public?



  1. Hillary Clinton tells whoppers every time she opens her mouth, yet no one calls her on it.

  2. She's like Hillary, if her mouth is moving, she's telling lies.

  3. Washington never allows facts to interrupt a good story


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