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Sunday, February 07, 2016

If You Thought Crime Was Bad In The Past...

You can now expect crime to skyrocket. A hit of heroine had been $5.00 but that has changed. That same hit is now $20.00. The dealers suckered all their customers into a cheap high and now that they are addicted they raised the price. 

Now these addicts will have to steal 4 times what they used to. Quite frankly you should expect crime to not only go up, it's going to become far more dangerous. 

You just call Fox News for another interview Sheriff Lewis and keep those dealers pumping everyone up with this crap. In the mean time we'll buy more locks and guns to protect ourselves.

I can remember a day when the Sheriff said, no one wants to deal drugs in his County because he was so tough on crime. 

Lock and Load Ladies & Gentlemen.


  1. No warning shoots will be fired at burgles ether, bullets are too expensive.

  2. And we've seen that around here. Multiple, multiple bank robberies that years ago we would barely ever here about. Now, it feels like an every off day occurence. It has almost "desensitized" the community and we are now learning to live with crime.

    SO many crimes and murders here in Wicomico County (SOOOOOOO many!) that the public has no idea about. They want to keep us in the dark of the real statistics and crime details. it is just "shady" very "shady" that on paper our "Wicomico County leaders" fudge the numbers instead of just simply reporting the facts and the true number of crimes statiscally. It is a true crime to FRAUD taxpaying, Wicomico county residents!!

    1. Crime? Not these politicians. Can't be criminals. Nor the Neapolitan sheriff we have and his thugs! Have you sheep can watch them slaughter your family and youd praise them! Swear they deserved it somehow. You sniveling cop lovers better wipe them chins and wake up! Like said above. Old man said no one would wanna be a dealer because he is so hard on drugs. See where we are at? How about the , I won't allow the federal government to confiscate weapons. How many of you are willing to bet your lives that Lewis will back his words? Lmao. He is a politician. He's said it before that he wants to run for office. And can't even run the office he has been entrusted with by the people. Covers up so many crimes committed daily by his deputies. The biggest criminal gang ever are the Leos of America. Sanctioned by the Federal Government. All to make you feel safe so you continue to not question authority and be a slave to the dollar!

  3. It's still 70 a bun

  4. What a county/state. Run away crime and businesses/jobs are bailing out as fast as possible. Good luck selling your house when the time comes!!

  5. What is a bun? Could the increase be due to the numerous dealers being caught and there is less of the drug? SUPPLY & DEMAND

  6. ah who cares? we got speeders to catch

  7. Instead of an ADT sign...where can I get a S&W sign for my lawn. Smith and Wesson?

  8. 1:37 and kids on bicycles.

  9. I totally agree 1:16 pm !!

  10. It's HEROIN, not heroine, which is a female hero.

  11. Crime happens everywhere. People (witnesses/victims etc) do not cooperate police then expect them to solve everything. Not the PD's fault they are outnumbered 5000 to 1.

  12. Phronesis, auto spell check keeps changing it.

  13. The increase in price is coming all the way from Afghanistan.

    There are now more mercenaries guarding the poppy fields, and less US soldiers. The mercs are more expensive than the army dudes.

  14. Mr Albero....

    Thanks for the information the regular joe knows nothing about this but thanks to this blog we and i now do.

  15. Raising the price on an addictive product just to generate a higher profit. Sounds like the governments cigarette tax.

  16. this price increase is just good capitalism being learned by our foreign friends and our local suppliers


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