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Sunday, February 07, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Overdoses

3rd or 4th call for an overdose I have heard today........just today.......since about 9:45am


  1. 7 total yesterday and today in Wicomico County

  2. Must be some hot stuff that came in recently.

  3. There were 21 overdoses a couple Friday's ago

  4. 647 no you are wrong!

  5. Has anyone read of any task force bust lately. I have not read a thing in paper. o we still have a task force ???

  6. 6:47 it was 24 over the weekend a couple weekends ago...

  7. Many "overdoses" are actually from mixing drug usage, with alcohol often being an unmentioned culprit. It would be nice to see an accurate report of an "overdose" that included all contributing drugs. Too many interested groups will report only the part that promotes their agenda ie. the kid that jumped/fell out of a window and killed himself in Co. shortly after legalization of pot was reported to have done it under the influence of pot; he had a BAC of over 4 times the legal limit and the medical examiner ruled the death due to alcohol intoxication.

  8. Jake, show us the leader you are and fire Duncan, before she completely destroys the city.

  9. Heroin and other drugs are POURING across our border.. it's wide open.
    So no surprise that we now have a massive drug problem.

    Part of the plan?

  10. The real problem is that they are using a Fentanyl/ Heroin combination. The part that is being left out in this story is the massive amount of crime going on that is funding this.

  11. Welcome to the world where we live now. This happens all the time in places like Seattle. Usually there is a high amount of drug abused in economic or physically depressed areas of the country. Wake up Wicomico County!

    Your economy is in the dumper and drug abuse/overdoses are just one of many indicators around you to this fact. You guys just think the microcosm world is the end all beat of all existence but clearly it's not. Your rent is too high, your wages are too low and you're inflated COL is outrageously disproportionate. What do you really expect? Of course, people are going to abuse drugs and overdose.

    1. I couldnt care less most teens move to seattle to get easy drugs screw them.

    2. 7:30 , until it's your child or grand child.

    3. Bs, it starts at a young age it's called being educated and raising children correct the issue is single welfare divorced moms.

    4. You wait and see. You really need to educate yourself.

  12. Intoxicated subject calls are dispatched as overdoses. Most overdose calls are just that-alcohol, with a few heroin OD's per week.

  13. 2:07 AM, how would you know that, do you take the calls? Just wondering.

  14. Has an income/overdose analysis/comparison ever been done locally?The specific line of work,income,student status,etc would be interesting to know.Does this issue gravitate toward the rich,the poor,the employed,the unemployed,black white,or all of the above?

  15. 735 it affects all of the above. Drugs are a great social equalizer. There has been a judges child, and state's attorney's child that have a heroin addition. That's why we have the drug court program in Wicomico County. This is a drug that can start as social and very quickly escalate to addiction.

  16. To All of the above,

    Kids are curious no matter how they are raised. Educating ALL kids within the school system, showing them images of people losing their teeth, scars on their faces, track marks, etc. is a good start.

    That being said, I know a LOT of incredible parents who are facing uphill battles with their children addicted to drugs.

    One of the key factors, (I believe) is addictive behaviors and personalities. A parent can't change that in a child.

    So I disagree with the, it's a parenting issue. Just because a parent says don't do something does not mean the child won't do it. Scare the living crap out of them in school. Shame them well before they ever even consider it. In a school setting it is a group effort. Peer pressure will fail when a child says, no way, I don't want to look like that.

  17. I have interviewed many o.d. victims. Most can not handle the negative society we live in. I could point the finger a couple of places on that one. No excuse for using dope but I get it. All this gloom and doom bs the media puts out. Parenst both working and kids raising themselves. We lost family values here in America when we became politically correct. The media is a huge manufacturer of bs. Right Joe.

  18. 11:04, Fingers can be pointed in many directions but let me say this. This problem is a AMERICAN problem, period. The Eastern Shore is NOT the only place we're seeing such problems.

    The mere FACT that so many LEGISLATORS are dragging their feet to STOP this matter and YES this includes Sheriff Mike Lewis, is disgusting. God Forbid it ever hits home for these people, perhaps then they might realized it has to be stopped.

    So what does heroine deliver, BIG BUSINESS for the dealers AND law enforcement. The more theft you have and BLAME it on the drugs, the more everyone involved profits.

    Are the drug dealers any more different from the Mafia, NO. However, more drugs, more officers, more equipment, more money.

    While TREATMENT is important, STOPPING it is the key.

    As for the media, their only interest is reporting the little guys who get caught. Like I said in the past, showing 100 bags of heroine in a picture looks like a lot. However, it's only $500.00 worth of drugs. Or it was anyway. Look for my new post in the 12:00 hour and you'll learn even more.

    Local law enforcement keeps cutting deals. So many in fact and so often, funny how the DISTRIBUTORS haven't been caught. I believe the Sheriff calls them KING PINS.

    While there was a BIG press release a couple years ago about how they nailed a group of these alleged KING PINS, nothing was ever said about their CONVICTIONS! So they pounded their chests and as typical Americans, 5 minutes later everyone forgot about the follow up.

    DEA, FBI and local law enforcement can stop this. However, it's not in their best interest when they have a business to run.

  19. It's happening in Fredneck county but LEOS are equipped with that Narcon or whatever it's called to save a life. Curious does Wico have it as Well ?


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