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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Hey Albero, The Weather Reports Are Going To Get Better

Tonight, Dan spent a good bit of time explaining how the new weather system they plan on using down the road will be "revolutionary". 

While much of what he said will change are basically graphics, I'm confident WBOC will continue to claim we live in a very unique area where weather is unpredictable. Time will tell. That is, when and if that new system ever comes about.

Clearly their tails are between their legs right now because quite frankly, they've been screwing up for far too many years. Now that they are being called out and now that they know they have a competitor who is going to call them out, something has to be done because I have not been wrong. They also know that when a Blogger can do a better job calling out the serious weather threats, their viewers are losing TRUST and who can blame them.

They also started the show tonight saying. "Dan said it was going to be like this," cold. OMG, you guys can't be serious, right? You said yesterday and the day before that no snow would stick to the roads and look what happened, (below). Yeah, it's cold outside, thanks Dan. 


  1. It's called looking outside lol.

  2. Well, quadruple popular doppler radar, as we all know, is way old science. No way it can look out the window and tell if it's snowing,raining or clear.
    We all await the next magic show!

  3. So they're giving him new equipment when he has proven himself incompetent at using the existing equipment? That's an interesting solution. Have the feeling that somewhere in some way the taxpayers are probably paying for it as we pay for everything that is inefficient' frivolous and wasteful as a norm. This would certainly not be an exception to that rule.

  4. What, has someone told WBOC about radar? Or about Weather Underground?

  5. LOL....it probably piggy backs off the Salisbury Police Chief's "crime probability" computer system!!!! We know how accurate that is....ha ha ha

  6. You people need to give it a rest. Have you ever lived anywhere besides Salisbury?
    give the guy a break.


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