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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Attention all Crisfield residents:

Attention all Crisfield residents:

Tonight and this weekend will be very cold! The temperature tonight will be low 18°; with winds ranging from 10-20mph. Friday night’s temperature will be low 22°; with winds at 5-10 mph, increasing to 20-30mph. Saturday night’s temperature will be low 11°; with winds ranging from 15-25mph. Finally Sunday night’s temperature will be low 13°; with winds light and variable.

Due to the very cold temperatures, we ask that if anyone is in need of shelter in the Crisfield area and have nowhere else to go; you may come to the police station and a police will assist you. Also we ask that you please make sure your pets are inside.

In addition, if anyone has relatives or friends that are shut-ins, elderly, disabled or just needs someone to check on their loved ones during this frigid weather, please call the Crisfield Police Department at 410-968-1323 and we will send an officer to check on them.


  1. And bring your pets inside!!

    1. Bs that's why God gave them coats.

  2. 7:10
    That is a stupid comment. Yes there are wild animals that do live outdoors. They also suffer from this cold. The difference is they can find a warm place and they are able to roam and find water if they need it. Dogs that are left outside in a kennel or on a chair do NOT have that luxury. If the wind, rain and snow happens to be blowing into the dog house they can't seek other shelter. If their water is frozen they can't find another source. If they are out of food they can't use their animal instinct to hunt for food. I hope to God you do not have any pets and if you do I hope someone puts you outside on a chain, with your jacket on, so you see how they suffer.

    1. How about a insulated dog house?

  3. Wild dogs/ foxes/ coyotes and other animals have already dug burrows underground.Your "Pet" stranded on a chain without that shelter is exposed to temperatures more than 40 degrees lower than the burrow.

    Please get smarter than a box and bring your animals indoors.

    1. So every person in Alaska who have dogs in doghouses outside in 20 below are Wrong?

  4. 8:05
    Some of them yes. Most of the dogs left out are dogs that are used to the cold weather. Most of them are sled dogs and they love the cold. Because they are working dogs their owner makes sure they are taken care of. Why even get a dog if you just want to leave it outside alone.

  5. 7:49 PM - Spend a night outside in it when the temps are in the teens and and below and then you decide.
    Have a lick at your frozen water bowl while you're at it, 'cause it's all you're going to have until somebody feeds you tomorrow night. And if it's a bowl of dry food with no fresh water, you're really out of luck.


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