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Saturday, January 16, 2016

State Sen. Catherine Pugh will be 'right there' with paid sick leave bill again

State Sen. Catherine Pugh has confirmed what many businesses were already preparing to hear: She'll be pushing for her paid sick leave bill again this year.

Pugh, a Democrat who is Senate majority leader and is also running for mayor of Baltimore, shared some of her business-related priorities with me shortly after the Maryland General Assembly started its 2016 session Wednesday. They include a paid sick leave bill that died in committee last year and getting supermarkets in food deserts across the state.

Some employers and business groups have objected to the paid sick leave proposal, which would have required employers to provide workers with earned sick time, as an onerous mandate. But Pugh said she thinks it will help the state. She hopes President Barack Obama will stump for it when he visits Baltimore later this month. Obama has shown support for expanding paid sick leave in the past, and Pugh's support for the issue led to her being invited to the State of the Union last year.



  1. Once again, government is nosing itself into the private sector. This is the very reason why many businesses are disgruntled and, unfortunately, taking it out on the working public. Paid sick leave is a BENNIE given at the discretion of the employer - as it should remain. No business owner wants to be mandated as to how to run their business. If they wanted this, they would not take the risk involved in opening a business and simply opt to working for someone else.

    If she's really concerned about the 'workers' then perhaps a different track would be in order, like, becoming a job creator rather than a job killer.

    Maryland legislators like Catherine Pugh are further hurting the state's ability to attract big employers by doing nonsense like this - and frankly, it's a waste of paper and time. She should be more concerned about rejuvenating the economy in Maryland not damning it further into the ground through prohibitive legislation proposals.

    When will constituents vote these time wasters out?

    She's running to for mayor of Baltimore? Why does this not surprise me. It seems Baltimore mayors are the breeding ground for the horrific politics which resulted in the current milieu.

  2. Why don't people like Catherine Pugh relocate to France, Canada or Britain? They would be more comfortable there than in a capitalistic society like the US is supposed to be. In those countries, socialism is norm and they can legislate and mandate their way into an oblivion.

  3. Typical of her type. Always looking for a way to scam the man and take advantage. This is why they tend to never get anywhere. Always looking for the next hustle instead of getting out and really working and not looking for ways to get out of work.

  4. Is it racist of me to wonder if being a black woman was the reason POSPOTUS invited her to SOTU last year? Is it unreasonable of me to vociferously object to her insinuating herself into my business by mandating her "fairness"?


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