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Saturday, January 16, 2016

NBC Poll: Trump More Than Doubles National Lead Over Cruz

Donald Trump has more than doubled his lead over Ted Cruz in the latest NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll, but the Texas senator would beat the Republican front-runner by eight points in a hypothetical contest, according to results released Thursday.

Here is the breakdown of the national survey of 400 GOP primary voters:

Trump: 33 percent.
Cruz: 20 percent.
Marco Rubio: 13 percent.
Ben Carson: 12 percent.
Chris Christie and Jeb Bush: 5 percent each.
Carly Fiorina, John Kasich and Rand Paul: 3 percent each.
Mike Huckabee: 1 percent.

Trump's 13 percent lead over Cruz is more than double his 5 percent lead in a December survey.



  1. Would Alex Jones make a good VP for Trump?

  2. anyone who believes anything NBC says is a fool

  3. Not surprising. And he has more than doubled his lead over Rubio. However, let's not rest on anything yet. Remember 2012 with Romney. Everyone thought he had it 'in the bag' and the bag had a big gaping hole - thanks to Rove, Morris and Gingrich.

  4. What was Cruz thinking with the NY comment?


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