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Monday, January 04, 2016

Mississippi Councilman Calls for Resident to Attack Police

A Mississippi city councilman is under fire for calling for residents to throw things at police from neighboring jurisdictions entering neighborhoods in his district.

Jackson City Councilman Kenneth Stokes told multiple news outlets recently that he is tired of police from neighboring areas chasing low-level suspects into Jackson and putting children in danger.

"Let's get rocks; let's get bricks, and let's get bottles," the black Councilman told local station WJTV. "And we'll start throwing them, and then they won't come in here anymore."

He repeated the warning in an interview with The Clarion-Ledger newspaper in Jackson.

"When you have these police officers coming from other jurisdictions and they will not respect human life, then I said we should use rocks, bricks or bottles to try to get the message over: stop endangering our children," he said.

In addition to social media outrage, public officials also have taken Stokes on.

"Law Enforcement will not be intimidated by you," Madison County Sheriff Randy Tucker posted on Facebook. "Any Madison county law enforcement that is attacked because of your ignorant statements, I will hold you responsible. I fully intend to contact the (Mississippi) Attorney General and inquire if your statements constitute assaults on officers by threat."



  1. Our national IQ average is falling like a brick.Evidence of that is everywhere you look.

  2. If I were the police chief and someone in that neighborhood called for assistance, I'd tell them to call their councilman.

  3. 1:21 pm, totally agree, the cops need to pull out of these hell holes and those animals can have at it.

  4. If this councilman was white, he'd already be in jail.

  5. Another big mouth with little power. A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE! !!!

  6. Jackson became a ghetto with the White Flight to the 'burbs in the 1990s. The average income is $17,000.

  7. Give him his wish. Pull them all out and when the animals in the zoo start killing each other and calling law enforcement for help.......

  8. He represents the people of the district. Take them at their word. They don't like bacon and don't want to see bacon on their streets. Is that so hard to comprehend?

  9. You realize that you are all calling for the establishment of slums right? I mean they are already crappy areas but you are suggesting that police stop doing what they are paid for, that's number one. Secondly your saying that you want to turn the areas over to the criminals. Just because you dont like the liberal morons spouting off at the mouth doesn't mean you should spout your equally idiotic right wing solutions thinking you are being tough. You sound like easily manipulated blowhards. Keep thinking you are superior. Most of you are one medical bill or serious accident away from bankruptcy living pay check to pay check.

    1. Aren't we so righteous! ! You posted a lot of words but have no meaning. Must be another libitard who thinks he has ALL the answers. You say nothing of the racist councilman so run along libitard.


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