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Sunday, January 31, 2016

JUST IN: FBI Thwarts Mass Shooting Planned At Masonic Temple in Milwaukee

Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested a Milwaukee man who planned a mass shooting, according to a release by United States Attorney’s Office of Eastern District of Wisconsin.

Samy Mohamed Hamzeh, 23, has been charged with possessing machine guns and a silencer.

In October 2015, Hamzeh planned to travel to Jordan, enter the West Bank and conduct an attack on Israeli soldiers and citizens living in the West Bank.

Hamzeh later abandoned those plans and began to focus on conducting an attack in the United States.

During recorded conversations, Hamzeh explained that he wanted to commit a domestic act of violence on a Masonic Temple in Milwaukee.

Hamzeh had been under investigation since September 2015.



  1. Another Muslim Terrorist! In America.

  2. Why do you think he got caught... we are everywhere

  3. Another member of the religion of peace!!!

  4. The Masons?! Why the Masons?

  5. Why anybody?? Death to ALL terrorist...and deportation to all who plan terror. ..

  6. MSNBC will play him off as being a white guy who have had to come back from vacation with a nice suntan.

  7. Read up!! hidden danger of the rainbow. Lets you know what masons really are!

  8. The freemasons are the global organization behind the global government.
    They are the international bankers. Power. World wide power.

  9. Do you notice all these people caught in "imminent" terror threats are buying guns and bombs from FBI and CIA?
    If you want to kill a bunch of people you can buy a gun, you can buy a bag of fertilizer, you can buy a pressure cooker for Christ sake. You can buy any one of these at your neighborhood Walmart. For some reason though all these foiled terrorist contact undercover agents for their supplies.
    The reality is that agents find a person who is already crazy or mentally unstable, then they formulate a terror attack for them and provide them with everything they need. After that they arrest them and put the story out like the perp formulated the terror attack and the only thing that stopped it was that they bought their supplies from an undercover agent.
    This is NOT stopping terrorism, it is a PR campaign to keep everyone scared and to sell the horrible policies and Constitution trampling that is the war on terror.

  10. Well done 8:31, well done

  11. 'mohamed'... surprised??
    no...not really

  12. 12:27 No joke... I am used to Dylan, Christopher, Robert, Elliot, Aaron, John, Adam, Radcliffe, Andrew, Wade, James, Scott... should I keep going, moron?

    1. I can easily cite many dozens of "Mohammeds" involved in multiple murders based upon an evil ideology. Try naming just a dozen of each of those names, who committed mass murder for the same reason, in the past 15 years.

  13. 7:13 Whats your point? When I hear the name Mohamed, a red flag goes up, call me racist but I don't care. It's my life and others I'm thinking about, PC-BS be damned.


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