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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Jeb Bush: Donald Trump Is A “Jerk” Who Hates People With Disabilities


In advance of tonight’s “Republican” debate in North Charleston, S.C. – which our founding editor will be attending – former Florida governor Jeb Bush has come out with a new television advertisement.

(You know, because all of his previous advertisements have worked so well …)

Bush’s ad – entitled “Enough” – seizes on GOP frontrunner Donald Trump‘s recent mocking of a reporter who has a disability. Bush responded to Trump by calling him a “jerk.”

“Anybody (who) disparages people with disabilities, it sets me off,” Bush said during a recent town hall meeting in New Hampshire. “That’s why I called him a jerk.”



  1. Bush is like Hillary. He feels and acts like he is entitled to be the nominee and go on to be President. He is a Republican Obama more than Trump.

  2. One would think by this point, Jebb would get the fact he's over. With the top 3 already determined, it's a wonder he doesn't just drop and stoop wasting people's time with his nonsense. Cruz, Trump and unfortunately Rubio are the top and this type of senseless banter a)) isn't true and b) doesn't work. All it does is give Trump more time rather than less.

    Hopefully, the days of the politician dynasty are waning as it is high time we got someone in the WH who doesn't need the cronyism and kickback. Jebster needs both and frankly, I'm completely underwhelmed. I've always seen him as the Billy of the Bush family. Nothing more.

  3. Pontificating is only demonstrative when he knows he is losing ground. Jeb is not the type of Republican most want in the WH anymore because he, like his friends, panders to some while ignoring others. Most Floridians can attest to his governance being sub par and his irrelevancy. Republics and the those looking for anyone but Clinton, are seeking leadership.

    Rubio basically excused himself this week when asked about his stance on illegal immigration. He is completely off many's radars due to this, so the real front runners are Trump and Cruz.

    Last night, watching Megyn Kelly, Christie was fact checked - in his presence - and many things he refuted were in PRINT and inexcusable in that they were facts, not misconstrued verb. Therefore, even though some of the Fox talking head intelligentsia believes he's still in the running, most American conservatives consider him also out of the race along with Carson and others.

    10:27 and 10:34AM are absolutely correct. Dynasty entitlement families are on their way out. It's time for new ideas and governance.

    1. Jeb has a disability, he is a BUSH.

  4. I for one am glad you have come aboard the comment scene of SBYNews.

    Your opinions always show thought and intelligence, and reasoning. I believe most of us agree with your comments but are unable to state it as elegantly. I definitely cannot word my opinion as well as you. You are a pleasant change for this blog,
    as your opinions never read like a smear or trashing campaign. IMO, many comments on here signed "anonymous" appear to be from readers who carry grudges or just out for revenge.

  5. Indeed he does feel entitled 10:27,but not without good reason.He really should be in earlier debates,but unseen forces keep his campaign alive.Be EXTREMELY suspicious if he does well in Iowa.

  6. Oh Jeb, go look for a private sector job. I'm sure Eric Cantor can hook you up with a Wall Street bank position.

  7. Jeb needs to go quietly into the night


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