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Saturday, January 16, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Wicomico Court House

I was in the circuit court today and a guy named Gerald Anthony Curtis took a Alford plea to first degree murder and was given a sentence of time served. He was originally convicted back in 1978 and was given life for the murder of a taxi driver. His co defendent actually went on to murder a correctional officer named Herman Toulson at the State penitentiary. For some reason his case was reopened and they offered him this plea. I found it strange like there was more to it or something. Also have heard none of this on any news. I'm sure that the original murder made big news back then.


  1. well its because the white people that arrested him, tried him, and convicted him were all racists. It just wasn't fair, you see, so they are trying to make amends to him. He will probably get a few million in settlement costs for this as well.

  2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/md-releasing-some-felons-early-after-state-high-court-ruling/2013/08/27/d80e411a-0f42-11e3-bdf6-e4fc677d94a1_story.html

    This is happening all over Maryland.

  3. There is always a big announcement made when criminals are sentenced and not a word when they are released.

  4. The taxi drivers wife has passed away and they may not know where his daughter lives. No excuse to let him go! Horrific robbery gone wrong.

  5. Looks like from judiciary he was granted a new trial by the appeals court. As in a sentence of 'time served' does that mean he walked out the door and is a free man?

  6. I remember when this murder was committed it was a shock to Salisbury. This guy should never be released. I wonder when they will release the three black guys who raped and murdered the SU college student walking home on Camden ave right in front of the SU Presidents house?

  7. Some of these comments seem to make it a B&W thing. They must believe in Sharia Law. If so sharia states an eye for an eye. They put to death ones that commit these types of crime with no appeal and no lapsed in time. So if you think it was a B&W thing then he and his partner is lucky to be alive and supported by the tax payer and want to stay behind bars.

  8. 10:14AM's article post is disturbing. And while I under the prosecutoss' proclivities, it is not a good thing to have these people out in the general public. While it's obviously not particularly safe for citizens, the perpetrator is also subject to street justice.

    Understandable that time erodes memories and evidence, there has to be another way to combat this issue. For starters, these cases could be revisited when they are fresh rather than Appellate courts denying review continuously. Not every appeal is going to end in some new legal precedence and, unfortunately, it seems most appellate course seems to be more for precedence finding cases rather than procedural error in simple, less intriguing trials.

  9. Lawyers + $$$$$$$$$ = action.

  10. And where do you think this person will live? Da bury perhaps?

  11. 11:04 you are a moron. Stop drinking before noon.

  12. 7:29, but a good Bloody Mary in the morn is oh, so good. Surely you jest.

  13. 10|43...I remember...four did this, three would never turn on the other. They all got a new trial because court personel left door open during proceedings She went missing for months, though her body lay 200 yards from Camden ave...died from the sock stuffed down her throat while they raped her...yea, this filth will be among us soon. READ THIS OVER AND OVER!

  14. Sounds like politics has entered our public defender system and courthouse. Too bad. Remember at election time.


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