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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

While it's been an incredible week with School Bomb Threats, we targeted the Wicomico County Sheriffs Department for not evacuating their public schools as well as not bringing in Bomb Dogs.

Through comments, it became  extremely evident, citizens were not happy about how things were handled. 

Yesterday Parkside received yet another bomb threat but this time things were completely different. The High School was not only evacuated, they brought in Bomb Dogs and followed the protocol all other counties on the Lower Shore had followed. 

Therefore we should give credit where credit is due. 


  1. I assume that the people were heard , our BOA is not up to par.

  2. Put blame where blame is due. Was the Sheriff or BOE the problem earlier in the week?

  3. To the person who thinks I owe the Sheriff or BOE an apology, go to hell.

    If it wasn't for SBYNews, ALL children would continue to be at risk. You didn't hear ANY of the other media sources challenging the ridiculous choice to not remove students from immediate danger.

    A different decision was made because of the fact that the parents became outraged when they learned everyone else followed the proper procedures.

    I apologize for nothing, yet I am appreciative the decision to do what is right.

  4. There were also different circumstances related to this threat than there were with the first one.

  5. Seems to me that all that back up traffic at the schools could cause a major disaster too. Fix one problem and bring up another.

  6. Joe - Apologize? They only acted because they "had to"; they were made to. Where do you think the students learn this? "Do we HAVE to?"


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