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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Along With Assault And Arson, FBI Starts To Track Animal Abuse

The FBI will now track animal abuse the way it tracks arson or assault.

This could help save more animals — and, perhaps, people: Research has shown that animal abuse is often a precursor to other acts of violence. And tracking acts of violence against animals may help law enforcement intervene before that develops into violence against people.

John Thompson, deputy executive director of the National Sheriffs' Association, has been instrumental in moving this idea forward.

"It's data that gives that police chief and the sheriff valuable information to help them set up the way they police their community," he tells NPR's Scott Simon.



  1. As long as the capabilities of the FBI or any other government agency aren't over rated.We tend to shake in our boots every time we hear a 3 letter agency mentioned,but in reality they depend on the public as much as every other agency does.The FBI,CIA,NSA,DOJ,etc etc cannot function properly without tips.


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