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Thursday, January 14, 2016

German Cop: We Are BANNED From Detaining Migrants

A growing body of evidence suggests German police are hobbled at every possibly opportunity by the Federal government from dealing with the criminal migrant problem, with one officer complaining they have even been banned from preventing suspects escaping custody.

In a brief interview with German mainstream-tabloid Bild, an anonymous member of the state-wide Federal police, identified only as 22 year old ‘Bernd’, reveals the extraordinary nature of police work in modern Europe. Deployed to Passau, a small city in south-east Germany on the Austrian border where thousands of migrants come by train and road every month, Bernd revealed “95 percent of refugees are single men”.

The officer told the paper the public does not get an accurate idea of what is really happening in the migrant crime wave, because events are mis-reported by police to prevent outrage. He said: “should an asylum seeker cut another’s throat, in the report we would state it was grievous bodily harm rather than attempted murder. It looks better in the statistics”.



  1. sounds familiar, doesn't it?

  2. You do know that hidden dangers of the rainbow and the Rainbow Warriors are a worldwide organization and all tentacles come from the Satanic UN.


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