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Saturday, January 30, 2016

America Is Falling Apart And It’s Your Fault

When deciding who to blame for the current state of affairs in our country, we always run through a familiar list of shadowy villains: the “system,” the “establishment,” politicians, lobbyists, the schools, the media, etc. These are fine suspects in their own right, but I find it ridiculous that, somehow, we skip right over the first and most dastardly culprit: ourselves.

We never blame us, do we? We always get off the hook. All of the misery and misfortune in our culture have been hoist upon us from Washington, D.C. and Hollywood and Ivory Towers, and none of it from us, we claim. We’re victims. We had no say in any of this at all, according to us.

Well, at the risk of alienating literally every single person reading this, I’d like to suggest that you are an adult and a voter, and this is your fault. And mine. And your mother’s. And your neighbor Jim’s. And all of our accomplices who generally make up the club known as “We The People.”



  1. I've been very suspicious of myself lately anyway,so this does not surprise me.

  2. I disagree. The reason that Trump is getting so much support is that the people are fed up with politics as usual. We are living thru the most corrupt administration ever and the Republicans have not stood up to fight Obama or even brought him up on charges. And, the Republicans have not rallied behind Trump because he can't be controlled by the big lobby groups.

  3. "Has there ever been a more turbulent era in American history? The two policical parties seem hopelessly divided, our role in the flammalbe Middle East seems indefinable, the value of the unborn and marriage drift further from God's ideal, and our fiscal indebtedness grows by the hour. Yet God remains uninvited into our situation. A nation that proclaims "In God We Trust" seems to put trust in everything but Him." Rev. David Jeremiah - Turning Point 1-29-16. I would say its pretty relevant to why we are falling as a nation.

  4. Blame the media for protecting crooked politicians that pay them off.

  5. I do agree with some points of the article. We do need personal accountability. I agree with that portion. I do not agree that I am to blame for what is going on in today's society. I do vote and have done for many years. It never seems to matter. I sometimes wonder if our whole voting process is rigged.

    I do agree with the statement that politicians need to behave honorably. But who does anymore? I saw where a person in jail, accused of murder, was just elected to some position in somewhere. Look at Hilary, who is running for president of our country. Now I know that just because a person is accused of something, does not mean that they have done whatever they are accused of, but I am also old enough to know that where there is enough some to have come from a bonfire--there is usually a bonfire. I don't understand how people can even consider voting for her. I will state that I am a Republican but I wouldn't vote for her if I was a Democrat.

    I also did not vote for many of the things that have been "voted on" in our society. I did not vote for gay marriage. I don't recall ever being able to put that vote in. No matter, it is legal now. I did not vote to let all of these illegal immigrants in this country. I don't recall ever being able to put that vote in. No matter, they are here and they are increasing everyday. We have no idea who comes in this country from our southern border. I didn't vote to allow all of the politicians to be "not held accountable" but they aren't. Look at all of the members of the IRS who did not pay their taxes. OOPS! Yeah right, if it were one of "we the people" we would be in jail.

    I don't have any kids and I am damn glad of that fact with the way this world is today. Yet, if I did have any I would not let them run amuck as they seem to today. I am not in favor of "time outs." Yeah we see where that got them. A lot of kids have absolutely no respect for anything or anybody but they were raised to think they were "the best." They got trophies when they didn't win. They were passed when they couldn't read because they could play sports. They had no parental guidance when they went home and so many of them were handed "electron devices" to babysit them from a young age. They have no idea how to even act in public.

    Anyway, enough of my rant. I will accept some of the blame but quite frankly a whole lot of it has never been up to me. I just do my best to keep surviving and since the crash and the resulting job losses that seems to be about all I can handle at this time. I'm sure that is just how THEY want it.

  6. 1:10 You have a good point. I did not vote in favor of any of those laws you mention either. However, I voted for people that I thought would best serve the interest of the majority of the American people. We both have to understand that 47% of people living in the USA are dependent on the people that work or have other means of income. It's a tough row to hoe. Bottom line is most of these issues are because people still vote for Democrats because of free shi?.


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