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Sunday, December 06, 2015

What A Heartwarming Story

Yesterday, my 89 year old father went to Walmart. He picked up some frozen dinners, a new harness for his little dog,...

Posted by Mary Cottingham on Thursday, November 12, 2015


  1. God Bless your Dad, and the thoughtful person and their act of kindness just goes to show their are angels all around us.

  2. With all the terrible things going on in this world thank God there are many many folks in our community with love and respect in their hearts.
    God Bless America. kn

  3. It's nice to, hear some good things about humanity.

  4. What a wonderful thing to happen in these terrible times we are experiencing. Thank you for posting this and I hope the lady that created this wonderful story gets to see it. Thank you

  5. I don't uderstannd this post---there must be more to what's
    printed here that I'm not able to get.

  6. And you, 8:26, are the exact problem in today's world.....you just don't get it.


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