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Sunday, December 06, 2015

Many Have Changed Their Plans For Christmas After Watching This Commercial


  1. Hopefully, that's true! There are a lot of lonely people wanting someone to talk to anytime, not just at Christmas.

  2. Agree entirely! 12:48

  3. Try living alone for many years, it is tougher than anyone can imagine.

  4. I hope many will not leave their elderly alone. I was blessed to be with both my parents at the end, but how I would give anything to have them back.

  5. Wow!! now that is a powerful statement. Makes me think even though I will be with family

  6. I have no family except my kids and they will be with their mother this year for Christmas. I have been alone and lonely for many holidays. Mostly by choice, but it is a difficult position to be in. It really tears away at the heart and at some point you think of everyone else being with their family or loved ones and you break down and start to cry. I'm crying right now.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Try living alone for many years, it is tougher than anyone can imagine.

    December 6, 2015 at 9:57 PM

    Trust me.. I feel your pain.


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