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Friday, December 18, 2015

Trump Signals Shift to Party Leader Mode: ‘I’ve Been a Little Bit Divisive’

With a 25 point national lead and the primaries set to begin in just six weeks, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump appeared with Jimmy Kimmel Wednesday night and again signaled (as he did in Tuesday night’s debate) that he is shifting into a lower gear as he faces the very real possibility of assuming the role as Leader of the Republican Party. “I would like to see the Republican Party come together,” Trump said. “I’ve been a little bit divisive in the sense that I’ve been hitting people pretty hard.

In a good-natured way, Kimmel laughed and replied sarcastically, “A little bit, yeah.” Trump acknowledged his own understatement and added, “And ultimately we have to come together and get this thing done.”

Trump also repeated a statement he made during the Tuesday night debate blasting the trillions spent on “stupid wars” in the Middle East — a message that will sound very appealing in a general election campaign, and one that doubles as an effective attack against Hillary Clinton, who supported the Iraq War, and who was the architect of the appalling strategy that handed Libya over to the jihadists.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, and thank you for doing so! Now, win and take us to a better Country!


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