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Friday, December 18, 2015

Paul Ryan Betrays America: Obama Gets Everything

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)’s first major legislative achievement is a total and complete sell-out of the American people masquerading as an appropriations bill.

Too harsh, you say? Let the programs, the spending, and the implications speak for themselves.

(1) Ryan’s Omnibus Fully Funds DACA

Though much of the public attention has surrounded the President’s 2014 executive amnesty, the President’s 2012 amnesty quietly continues to churn out work permits and federal benefits for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens. Paul Ryan’s bill funds entirely this 2012 executive amnesty for “DREAMers”—or illegal immigrants who came to the country as minors.

Specifically, Division F of Ryan’s omnibus bill contains no language that would prohibit the use of funds to continue the President’s unconstitutional program. Obama’s executive action, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), has granted around 700,000 illegal aliens work permits, as well as the ability to receive tax credits and federal entitlement programs. A recent GAO report documented how this illegal amnesty program for alien youth is, in large part, responsible for the illegal alien minor surge on our southern border.

In 2013, Paul Ryan said that it is his job as a U.S. lawmaker to put himself in the shoes of “the DREAMer who is waiting” and work to find legislative solutions to his or her problems.

(2) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Sanctuary Cities


  1. We have a one party system that is selling us all out.

  2. Ryan is just another yes boy like Boner was.
    we traded one for another

  3. The Republicans won plenty in this bill too. 680 billion in tax cuts, the lifting of a 40 year ban on oil exports and plenty more. This is how government should work. Compromise and working together. Refreshing.

  4. The Bill Stinks to high Heaven, Conservative America has been had again.

  5. Ryan sold us out!

    Just like we expected!

  6. 1:20 If that's true then there is some logic. Otherwise, mmmm, don't know.

  7. But, they denied veterans the cost of living increase. This country is doomed.

  8. 2:53. It's true. Something for everyone.

  9. aren't they special...

  10. 1:20

    Right? I'm tired of this 'my way 100% or the highway'. Since when did you get 100% of anything in your life with your kids/wife/parents? And if you did, they probably still hate you for it.

  11. I once thought he would make a good president, now I know he is a sell out. He and many other republicans are the reason I changed my affiliation to Libertarian. Done being republican.


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