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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Trump On His Plan To Ban Muslims: 'Not Politically Correct, But I Don't Care'

The current leader for the GOP presidential nomination received a standing ovation from a crowd in South Carolina after he read aloud his statement to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S.

The latest pronouncement from the presidential campaign of Donald Trump calls for the U.S. to refuse to let any Muslim — from anywhere — into the United States.

It has prompted very strong criticism, including from some of his fellow Republican candidates and state party leaders.

The Philadelphia Daily News' cover Tuesday morning labels Trump, "The New Furor."



  1. He is looking out for America, Pres. Carter banned Iranians, but no one wants to remember that fact!

  2. Its what we need to do at this moment. The risks are not worth the reward.

  3. I would rather ban them then loose my guns to the democrats. Trumps plan is the better choice for the citizens and the democrats plan is better for the others. I am tired of being so politically correct in America and bending for come heres. I want us to be great again!

  4. Well, it's a little shy of being a plan, but it does say to the U.S. that he won't be satisfied with what B.O. leaves, which is mostly nothing good.

  5. Better get your daughters some tissues because their fav boy band member Zayn Malik of one direction is a muslim... no more concerts.

    1. Boo-de-hoo de Boo-hoo-boo.

      No idea who this Zayn Malik is, but no more concerts? Sounds like a plan

  6. Go Donald. Many people believe ALL immigration programs should be stopped for at least 5 years. Close the borders Tight and allow NO ONE to enter this country ever for at least 5 years, until our leaders get their act together and they and we can make some sense of this. Again, NO new immigrants, in fact round up as many as possible and send them home...

  7. We are the only country on earth that adheres to political correctness because everyone has a big mouth.Every other country does what it has to do and doesn't run it through the MSM to tell the world.We do it and then we tell it because we can't keep secrets.That's one more reason why I like Trump.He sees absolutely no reason why we need to telegraph our actions and intentions.

  8. Will muslim countrys allow churches ,fast food, pork
    Women in heals ,drinking, freedom of speach, NOOOOOOOOOOOO so why the F should they tell us how to be.

  9. Trump should get out of the GOP and run independent.
    The GOP don't have the NADS to speak the truth.
    They are to PC and owing to others.
    If they force him out i won't vote for some puppet they put up there.
    They are becoming no better than the DEMS.

  10. Unfortunately, I agree with Trump here again. Temporarily stop visas for muslims until Homeland Security can figure out how to keep us safe.

  11. dogg has it right, trump said nothing about a permanent ban, he said that we need to figure out what is going on PERIOD. he is right and we know so because the MSM and the establishment are going bonzo. remember we have wanted someone to take on the establishment and he is doing it

  12. The common man knows the score, the elected people who swore allegiance to our Nation have committed treason, the very ones criticizing Trump.

  13. Prepare yourselves to cross party lines and vote independent. The GOP will never allow Trump to have the nomination. I hope, if they force him out he runs as an independent. Then many of us will have to either put up or shut up. CROSS THE LINE.

  14. 8 U.S.C. §1182. Inadmissible aliens

    (f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

    Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

    Sand Box John


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