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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Trump Calls for ‘Total & Complete Shutdown of Muslims Entering’ the U.S. Until ‘Problem’ Is Fixed

Donald Trump on Monday called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until lawmakers “can figure out what is going on.”

In a statement put out by his campaign, Trump cited a Pew Research study that showed “great hatred toward Americans by large segments of the Muslim population.” The real estate mogul cited another poll, this one from the Center for Security Policy, that found 51 percent “agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah.”



  1. Declare it a terrorist cult! Let the armed citizens take them out like the animals they are.

    Better yet, make 'em all live in Baltimore - the animals there will take them out!

  2. And that is Fascism.

    1. No, it is actually a rapidly building resistance to fascism, and the beginnings of the American people's rage coalescing into a massive shove-back and shove-out of the insidious infiltration of Islamic influence.

      Critical mass is close at hand, and deliberately placing people who hate us in our communities, comes dangerously close to a complete repudiation of our power as We the People.

  3. I agree with Trump on this one. I also think we should deport all Muslims that have entered this country. We do not need Middle Easterners in this country. I am sick and tire of dealing with them, they are ruining the America we once knew.

  4. I agree , a man with a set of , you know whats.

  5. this was done by our government after Pearl Harbor. I think there was another time or times as well. it's nothing new. many people (establishment) wants Trump OUT of the race. i believe it would be a great idea to stop, not just the Muslims from entering, but all people from entering the U.S. until we can get a handle on this issue. the President Must defend and keep safe the citizens of America. period

  6. How do you fix Muslims hating Americans ?

  7. NOT Fascism ..... Common Sense!!!
    You go President Trump
    The ones that complain are the ones that have something
    to lose when you get elected.
    either crooked Politicians on both sides or
    Lazy do nothings that are afraid they might have to work for something.

  8. 12:42pm Its called addressing a known issue to keep the original occupants safe before things get out of hand. I seem to remember the Indians changing their minds about the white settlers. I dont see you calling them facists. Seems to me you are suggesting we all get in line for our own slaughter. Not gonna happen.

    Trump 2016
    Muslims get out!

  9. maybe he should call for the ban of all democrats to?

  10. 12:44 Then Roosevelt was a facist too. Trump is saying to do a complete halt on immigration UNTIL the immigration system and vetting process is completely overhauled. YOu do know the current system is from 1965 don't you? You do know that essentially all immigration to USA was halted from 1924 thru 1964 don't you? And that after Pearl Harbor was attacked Japanese-Americans were severely scrutinized and some even put in prison camps don't you? DONE BY FDR. Tell me something 12:44 if one of your family members is raped, brutalized and beheaded by an Islamic terrorists here because bleeding hearts like you prevented a sensible action to protect our country will you be happy?

  11. 1:53 There are a growing number of Democrats including myself who recognize what a horrible presidential choice that Hillary would be. There are a substantial portion of us who would love an outsider in the White House. Personally this is the kind of stones I've been looking for in a president. The American public is longing to "Really make America great again." Security and safety issues at this point in time are going to get votes, including mine, if Trump can survive the primaries and get the nomination. These people want jihad, we need to bring it. The American public, no matter what their political affiliation, are completely and totally DONE with political correctness. Trump will hopefully be the enema that Washington needs. All of us recognize that something has to change in a dynamic way. If we got to kill them all and let God sort them out, so be it.

  12. Well we have communists in the White House so Fascist isn't so bad.

  13. Yeah those Japanese Concentration Camps were awful. I don't think America should be proud of that. Yet here we are... what a sad state of affairs. Times like this remind me how absurdly bigoted and racist many of us remain.

    This is precisely what the terrorists want. Conservatives are playing right into their hands without even realizing it. At least Dick Chaney is calling folks out on it. I can't say that Obama's lack of action is good, but at least we aren't fueling the vitriol and encouraging the terrorists that their methods are actually working.

    Am I the only sane one here that realizes any of this?

  14. 3:29 I fail to comprehend how you think this reaction encourages terrorists to think anything is working. I personally find that to be a stupid statement.

    What do you surmise they thought we would do after some muslim whack job killed people, welcome more of them in with open arms.

    I have an idea. You be the first to welcome them in to your home.

  15. Trump is correct.
    I no longer trust any Muslim.

  16. 4:13
    They want to terrorize us. They want us to act impulsively. They want Muslims all over the world to feel socially stratified, that way they can be more easily radicalized and recruited. They want us to be just as radical, regardless of religion. They want us to be too busy disagreeing with each other so they can attack. It's pretty damn obvious. The CIA used to use coups and arming rebels to accomplish the same goals during the Cold War. The irony is unbelievable and it's really too bad that it is lost on so many.

  17. Didn't Carter do something similar during the Iranian Crisis?

  18. $:20 I'm with you, neither do I! When I see these women with their heads all covered up I just wish I could snatch it off of them. I just can't even speak to them.......they make me sick ALL OF THEM!!!

  19. 4:35 you say "They want us to be too busy disagreeing with each other so they can attack."

    Again, I don't think whether homeland security agrees or disagrees with Trump is going to make a spit of difference. Either they are doing their job or they are not.

    You, are most certainly a narrow thinker, and what trump is saying has some validity. As harsh as it sounds, we need to re-evaluate what we are doing, because if they are here and still getting here, we are going to continue to have killings and then I will personally blame you and your stupidity for allowing it to happen.

    Find out what he really said instead of the twisted version of what the media wants you to think he said.

  20. 5:20

    But you are at least smart enough to agree with basically all my other points? That's what I thought. I don't think what I said is very narrow-minded; focusing on all Muslims entering this country is narrow-minded by definition. There are so many other factors that lead to mass casualties and terror in this country that targeting all incoming Muslims is absurdly narrow-minded. Just like the argument 'gun laws don't stop criminals from acquiring and using guns', what makes you think 'stopping all Muslims' is actually going to stop a terrorist from executing their plan?

    Ball is in your court.

  21. how many more muslims can fit into the white house

  22. If you had raw sewage in your house would you keep crapping and flushing the toilet and hope it goes away or would you stop crapping and flushing the toilet, access the situation, fix the problems before you started crapping and flushing? Ain't that what Trump is suggesting?

  23. Y'all ready to admit that the republican party is a mess. No chance I. This election!!

  24. 4:35/5:37--Everytime islamists kill us on our soil it is perceived by muslims everywhere as PROOF that Allah is great, Allah is winning and destroying us westerners. Dates, anniversaries, symbolism--that is the gasoline to this ideology--they interpret our reluctance to call them out-to name them as our enemy as a victory --they THRIVE on our political correctness and inability to take any concrete action --every mosque that gets built uncontested, every muslim that enters the country under pretense, every time CAIR succeeds in preventing any CHristian symbols of Christmas, Easter, etc, EVERYTIME a US business or company is sued successfully for "discrimination" for not allowing evening prayer or burqha or some other bullcrap Muslim ritual THEY THINK THEY ARE WINNING!!! Its a barbaric ideology not based on anything than primitive violence. YOU ARE DELUSIONAL if you think you can "nice " these people into stopping their CENTURIES old quest to destroy all non-muslims. Get your head out of your backside.

  25. I just wish someone would ask the folks that are against the temporary ban in Muslims this question:
    If you boarded a plane with your wife and kids, and noticed three or four Muslims (Arabs) in full dress onboard the plane, would you be nervous? Afraid? A bit uneasy?
    Would you rather not be on that plane with them? At least until you are thoroughly convinced that security has completely cleared them?
    Extrapolate that out to the same situation in a mall; a nightclub; a street; a town; a state; a country.
    Let's close it up for a while until we can figure this all out. I'm with Trump.


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