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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Greatest Threat to National Security

Day by day, the American citizenry is bombarded by a multitude of propaganda by the corporate media with the only intent of striking fear into the people in order to bring about social order through herd mentality. From Ebola to overseas conflicts, a problem is presented and the government is conveniently always there to save the day. After all, never let a good crisis go to waste.

There is always a new problem created and, every time, new powers are taken away from the people; repossessed to the bureaucrats and politicians. Every week, a new crisis comes along and becomes the newest threat to the homeland. Michelle Obama first said juvenile obesity is the most eminent national security threat, Bernie Sanders believes it is global warming, and the neo-cons claim it is ISIS. All contrived, again, for the sole purpose of expanding the power of the State; to control our choices, oppress the individual, and wage more war.

However, all this rhetoric does is overshadow the true nature of reality. The media spreads this disinformation and is able to persuade the people to comply with their newest agenda, despite the facts that the first lady’s “let’s move” campaign proved an abysmal failure, the earth has not warmed in 18 years, and you have a better chance of being struck by lightening than being killed by ISIS. I contend the most pressing threat to our national security is not climate change or ISIS, but Janet Yellen and the central bank.

The word terrorism can be defined in the following manner:

1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.



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