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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Missing child and awesome teachers

Mr Albero, I live in Salisbury near Prince Street School and tonight I witnessed several teachers swarming my neighborhood looking for a missing young girl who is my neighbor. They where here looking for this child when no one else was when they found out she was missing. No Police and not her family. I found out tonight she has showed up at many neighbors houses when she can't get in her own house, including mine in 20 degree weather. This is so sad I have seen this young girl turn herself around in the mornings when there is a delay at school and no one has told her. Thank God there was a good outcome and this young girl was found safe and sound. Please post this to let everone know there are still many good people in this world and some of them tonight are the staff at Prince Street Elementary School.


  1. No need to report this to Child Protective Services or any other agency.They are currently so overwhelmed that they would not be able to handle it adequately.OR,they could respond and prove me wrong.Please respond and prove me wrong.

  2. This has probably been reported to the agencies but those lazy people over there couldn't be bothered. They'll wait until a child is found dead or near death to say "oops it fell through the cracks". The same old tired excuse they use everytime something tragic happens to a child. Every single one of them needs to be fired and replaced by someone willing to do their job and work a bit past quitting time. DSS is a sham.

  3. 10:05 Hey now, they are under paid, remember? Typical public sector workers.

  4. The parents should be arrested for endangering the life of their child, neglect and abuse. Let the child stay with a relative or foster care until the parents either learn their lesson or let them sit in jail. CPS should be called and action should be taken before this child is abducted...


  5. bless the teachers and staff of prince street for caring and taking action


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