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Monday, December 07, 2015

Shooter Passed Same Vetting Refugees Will Get

Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions Thursday demanded that the Obama administration release the immigration history of the man and woman who committed the San Bernardino attacks, killing 14 people and wounding 21 others.

"In our struggle against terrorism, we are dealing with an enemy that has shown it is not only capable of bypassing U.S. screening, but of recruiting and radicalizing Muslim migrants after their entry to the United States," the senators said in a letter to the White House. "The recruitment of terrorists in the U.S. is not limited to adult migrants, but to their young children and to their U.S.-born children, which is why family immigration history is necessary to understand the nature of the threat."

"We are dealing with an enemy that has shown it is not only capable of bypassing U.S. screening, but of recruiting and radicalizing Muslim migrants after their entry to the United States," Cruz and Sessions wrote in their letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and Secretary of State John Kerry.

The senators' letter comes as CBS News tweeted a report that Malik passed the Department of Homeland Security’s "counterterrorism screening as part of her vetting" for a visa to the United States.

Federal officials maintained that they have a rigorous and effective screening process for people from countries with significant jihadist movements — Syria, for instance — making the immigration records of Farook and Malik a potentially significant piece of the debate over refugee policy, The National Review reports.

Sessions and Cruz said that the White House is still withholding immigration data on as many as 72 known terrorists, many of whom have been linked to recent events in the United States.

They requested that information nearly four months ago.

More here


  1. I am not comforted by this.

  2. I am not surprised by this.

    There is no way to accurately assess the threat that these people pose.

  3. The male shooter went through no vetting whatsoever.

    He was an American citizen.

  4. The White House is withholding information on TERRORISTS in the United States???
    Who are they SUPPOSED to be protecting???
    Keep cheering.


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