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Monday, December 07, 2015

California's Strict Gun Laws Failed to Stop Mass Shooting

The deadly shooting in San Bernardino happened in a state with some of the nation's toughest gun laws: California bars assault weapons, blocks the sale of large-capacity magazines and requires universal background checks for all gun purchases.

Authorities say they believe suspected gunman Syed Rizwan Farook and wife Tashfeen Malik had legally obtained two handguns and that two rifles were also legally purchased in California. Federal officials say the attackers had large-capacity magazines that violate California law in their SUV.

Since the attack Wednesday at a social service center in Southern California, the state's strict laws and the apparent legal purchase of the weapons have set off a debate over the effectiveness of gun measures and whether getting tougher would help prevent more violence.

More here


  1. Therefore, if the laws don't work, remove all guns form the population.

  2. Gun laws are not going to stop anything, so stop, just stop making more gun laws. People are going to have guns - some have them for protection, some have them for hunting, some have them to do harm. To those of you who want to do harm, point the thing at yourself and pull the trigger and leave everyone else alone.

  3. you're kidding me ?

  4. Doesn't matter if one state has lax gun laws when neighbor Ina states don't. The whole idea is absurd to start with. No amount of vetting or psychological background checks can tell when some one decides to snap and become a murder. The best protection we can have is to take care of our own with whatever means makes you feel safe.

  5. And which of the guns used for this shooting were purchased in Cali? oh thats right.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Therefore, if the laws don't work, remove all guns form the population.

    December 7, 2015 at 10:14 AM

    bwahahahahahahahahahaa yeah right


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