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Monday, December 07, 2015

Rebel flag flap continues as Roanoke's Christmas parade nears

Dan Smith wants people to protest the display of Confederate battle flags during the annual The Roanoke Times Dickens of a Christmas parade by turning their backs Friday night if a Sons of Confederate Veterans contingent passes by with the flags.

Smith, who is white, is a regional journalist, author and blogger. He objected strenuously after last year’s parade through downtown Roanoke about the display of Confederate battle flags by the Roanoke-based 28th Virginia Infantry Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Smith said this week that the parade is not a political event but is meant, instead, to celebrate the birthday of a peacemaker.

“My issue is with the conscious parading of a flag that causes pain to a large segment of our population, all in order to celebrate a war that ended in 1865,” Smith said.



  1. This guy is an idiot leave these good people alone.There are bigger problems in the world. He probably wont object to an ISIS flag.

  2. I am very offended by having blacks stuffed into everything that has traditionally been white, Miss. America, Hockey, NASCAR, they got their own shows and sports, leave our stuff alone.

    1. Agreed. So tired of the mandatory black overload.

  3. like this guy cared last year. its cool to be offended now. He will probably start a hashtag about it.

  4. His interpretation of motives does not make him correct.

  5. Good, let them turn their backs.


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