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Monday, December 07, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Homeland Security to roll out new terror alert system

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson announces the impending rollout of a new national terror alert system in response to what he calls a 'new phase' of terror threat.


  1. Yes it's called our president has his head stuck in the sand!!! Go help us all!!

  2. that will solve the problem. we just did that 10 years ago

  3. Go public with Watch List . Citizens take down information on suspicious activities , those idiots in Cailfornia could have given our law enforcement a heads up! America needs to be proactive not reactive. Watch for everything out of ordinary and call the law

  4. The color "Red" will no longer be used to designate high level of danger. Why, you ask, because it is offensive to native American's, Russian's, and Chinese.
    Yellow also as it offends Japanese, and other Asian races.
    Green because it might offend extraterrestrials.

    Now they will just use flowers and rainbows, after all, the world is wonderful under Obama's leadership.

  5. Feeling safer already!!!

  6. 10:55 - sand - no....@$$ - yes!

  7. I didn't vote for him the first time or the second. My reason his dad was a communist and I was told by many people I was wrong.

  8. OOOOOOOOOOh Noooooooooooo, not another LIST - I'm really scared.

  9. fools. Just use profiling. Simple and it works. ask Israel.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Go public with Watch List . Citizens take down information on suspicious activities , those idiots in Cailfornia could have given our law enforcement a heads up! America needs to be proactive not reactive. Watch for everything out of ordinary and call the law

    December 7, 2015 at 12:10 PM

    seif heil! and ve havf vays to make uv talk comrade.


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