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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Quinnipiac: Americans Oppose Syrian Refugees, Ban on Muslims

American voters say they oppose Syrian refugees coming into the United States, but do not agree there should be an overall ban on Muslims entering the country, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.

On Syrian refugees, by the numbers:

Overall: 51-43 percent oppose accepting refugees
Democrats accept, 74-22 percent
Republicans ban, 82-13 percent
Independent voters ban, 51-42 percent
Men ban, 56-40 percent
Women divided, 46-47 percent

More here


  1. I wonder what the numbers would be if the MSM could tell us the truth?

  2. BS POLL!!!! Let all the liberal elite continue to give false data and false news. We ALL will know if it worked or not. TRUMP 2016!!

  3. I don't know anyone personally, who is in favor of importing tens of thousands more Syrian Muslims. If they were truly refugees, they would not be Muslims, because they have plenty of places they can go and be in Islam utopia, or they can stay right there and fight off whoever is threatening them. Oh right...other Muslims.

    Not that I'm in favor of importing overly religious people of any brand, just because of their chosen deity, but I am very much against bringing ones here who are known to be dangerously deluded.

  4. If you weren't starting wars in their country you wouldn't have a refugee problem.

  5. women and dems are driven by emotions. sissy's at best. they don't use logic or common sense...

  6. I don't believe this. NOT for one second!
    Boy somebody thinks we're really stupid!


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