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Thursday, December 24, 2015

6 Times the Mainstream DC Media Ridiculed Children of Republicans

One of the biggest lies told by our corrupt and rotting DC Media is the one that states that the children of politicians are off-limits. Unwritten or unspoken, there is no such rule. There is, of course, a strictly-enforced DC media rule about the children of Democrat politicians being off-limits. The children of Republican politicians, however, have always been fair game — and I’m not talking about in the left-wing fever swamps, but in mainstream outlets such as the Washington Post, CNN, NBC News, The Atlantic, The Daily Beast, and Salon.

An excellent example of this double standard occurred almost exactly a year ago when Elizabeth Lauten, a no-name Capitol Hill staffer, took to Facebook to criticize the behavior of President Obama’s two lovely teenage daughters during the President’s annual turkey pardon ceremony.

As documented by the Washington Free Beacon, the DC Media went berserk over this. Network news vans camped outside of the home of Lauten’s parents, the Washington Post “assigned one of its foreign affairs correspondents to comb through an archive of columns Lauten wrote for her college newspaper in 2006 and 2007. … Both ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today show devoted segments to the controversy on Sunday and Monday[.]”

Lauten apologized but still lost her job as a Communications Director for a Republican Congressman. And I am in no way defending her. Children of politicians should be off-limits. They are civilians, bystanders, innocents who should be allowed to live their own lives, enjoy their own opinions, and make their own mistakes without being dragged onto the national stage and used as a billy club against their parents.

The idea is to make things so nasty and so ugly, no decent Republican will enter politics. Moreover, as you’ll see below, the DC Media is desperate to destroy Republican families that might be appealing to voters.

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  1. From the New York News and Politics: "Ever heard anyone publicly — even in jest — call former first daughter Chelsea Clinton a hooker?

    Yeah, we have. It was all over the news. SNL also called her ugly when she was 13 years old. John McCain called her ugly five years later. Rush Limbaugh called her the "White House dog." Not long ago, Limbaugh and Glenn Beck both mocked 11-year-old Malia Obama. But yeah, it's just Republican kids."

    This "Six times...article is not all it wants to be. As for Cruz's kids, he put his 5 and 7 year old right out there. Something I would never do if running for office. He should be ashamed of himself.

  2. But Chelsea Clinton *is* ugly, and nothing anyone does or can do will change that. I don't see any problem as long as the attack is based on facts.

  3. 11:36 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm sure you're winning beauty pageants.

  4. I was a teenager when they went after Chelsea and I was furious they would pick on a child. Pitiful that adults feel the need to degrade a kid.


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