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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Obamacare Fines Rising to Nearly $1,000 for Uninsured

Americans who remain uninsured next year will pay substantially more in penalties to the IRS — an average of $969 per household — under Obamacare rules, according to a new nonpartisan analysis.

That’s a jump from the 2015 penalty of $661 for those who opt out of insurance and are not exempt from the Affordable Care Act, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation analysis.

Individuals pay the penalty when they complete their federal taxes in the spring.

Under the so-called “individual mandate” of Obamacare, the penalty for going uninsured started out at $95 — or 1 percent of family income, whichever was greater — in 2014. In 2016, it will rise to $695 per adult, plus $347.50 per child, up to a maximum $2,085 for a family — or 2.5 percent of family income.



  1. Good! It is totally irresponsible to not carry health insurance. Those that don't are the moochers in society.

  2. How do you like Obozo now??

  3. 12:23 is a Obama Voter, and I HATE you....

    hope you have a SAFE day...ha ha ha ha

    How many times do they have to hit you before you sheeple hit back???

    I know, I know. It's hard to throw a punch while on your knees.
    It's hard to voice any protest when your mouth is otherwise preoccupied. You know I'm saying???
    Keep cheering, or clapping, whatever makes you feel like a "goot ci-di-zen".

  5. Still cheaper than the $445. a month I was told I had to pay for insurance. I am 30 married and so we are healthy. If I get hurt at work, I'm covered, if I get hurt in a car wreak, I'm covered. I don't need no stinkin insurance.

  6. 12:23 And, you also agree that Muslims are exempt. They get free health care and don't have to pay the tax.

    1. Their exempt or they get it free 12:23? Which lie is it?

    2. they are exempt look it up

  7. Obama care has been a complete failure.

  8. 1:40 Not too bright are you? Guessing you didn't need no education neither.

  9. 1:40 Bet you would pay that for a truck payment huh? Idiot

  10. 12:23, it might irresponsible not to have health insurance, but the premiums need to be AFFORDABLE to everyone. I pay close to $300 monthly premium for my self-employed husband, and his deductible is almost $5500. That's what we can afford. We will not go without it and pay a fine because insurance is necessary if he should come down with a horrible illness, etc. In the meantime we are not contributing to the economy by going on vacations, etc. Thanks, Obama. Your affordable health care plans has jacked up all the other premiums for those of us who aren't eligible for your little program.

  11. My companies premiums are going down next year for exactly the same insurance. How is that a failure 1:45?

    1. 2:51 I am calling you a liberal obama loving liar! I have recently shopped everywhere for affordable health insurance and The best price I got for individual heathcare ins. was $275 a month with a $6500 deductible. Two years ago when I shopped it, it was $105 a month with a $2500 deductible. with the same company. The agent said it's only going to keep getting higher. Obama lied on so many fronts like every other democrat. He has destroyed this nation financially, destroyed our credibility globally, has led to the moral decay of our society, and has made our country more dangerous domestically by permitting our borders to remain porous and forcing the individual states to accept terrorist from the middle east. EVERYTHING he's done is a failure of epic proportions! And people like YOU have supported it! Eat fecal matter!

  12. 2:51.....I'm calling BS on THAT.

  13. If you voted for him you deserve the fine. Still cheaper than the 2k per month I pay for family insurance. I would not dare roll the dice with out health insurance.

  14. If you like your money - you can keep your money!

  15. I cant afford insurance because my business is paying taxes out the ying yang for people not working and the uninsured who get full benefits.

  16. My company went up 14 %.

  17. Don't pay the fine. Flat out refuse. Passive aggressive revolution...to start with. Starve the Obongo federal machine. Can't put everyone in jail. Take my house? Go ahead. I am underwater anyway. Again, thanks to Obongo, Moochelle, and don't forget Valerie Jarrett. F 'em. The Bolsheviks had a solution for the Romanov family.

  18. 7:42 I hope you still have insurance because with all that negativity and stress, you are a prime candidate for a heart attack. On second thought, Hillary 2016.

    1. No, I'll be around for a long time. Hillary will not win. It will be Trump. Hillary has proven time and time again to be a liar who is weak on defense. Most people recognize that our country would never survive another democrat presidency right now. Hell, we may not survive this one.

  19. Your vote doesn't even count. Rather than calling names and pointing fingers, take some time to learn how the electoral college works and that MD goes Democrat no matter what you vote. If you are so, unhappy, then move to a Republican state. Why do think the Democrats are not even campaigning, they are letting the republicans destroy themselves. Go Hillary!


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