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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Muslim Students Association Hosts High School ‘Walk a Mile in Her Hijab’ Event

The Muslim Students Association (MSA) of Vernon Hills High School–a public school in Illinois–hosted an event titled “Walk a Mile in Her Hijab,” which was designed to provide non-Muslim students with the opportunity to wear the hijab and understand more about the Muslim faith.

“You can’t really understand or judge a person and their beliefs until you understand why they do it and what it’s like for them to do what they’re doing,” explained Yasmeen Abdallah, president of the school’s MSA. “This event is to hopefully denounce negative stereotypes.”

According to the Daily Herald, six members of the school’s MSA spent an entire morning placing hijabs on 17 non-Muslim girls as they discussed the garb’s meaning and tenets of the Muslim religion.



  1. The woman who wear these things need to get with the times and stop living centuries ago. The head covering was intended as protection against "annoyances" in the Koran and now a days those "annoyances" are protected by the legal system.
    To still wear one now also means you are only trying to show off and call attention to yourself which is against islam since you stick out like a sore thumb when you walk around with that thing on your head.
    These muslim women need to get with the times and stop allowing men to lead them around by the nose like they are some kind of slave or something.

  2. try it as a christian, or jewish person and see how far you get

  3. Please wear an NFL or Collegiate themed hijab to show your community support and assimilation!

  4. Why? This is America. Time to get rid of that oppressive symbolism .

  5. “This event is to hopefully denounce negative stereotypes.”? How about stop murdering people, raping children and treating women like pigs? That would go a long way to help.

  6. You are an idiot 10:42. Why don't you get with the real world.

    1. Why is 10:42 an idiot? Obviously you are out of touch with America so that makes you the idiot. You need to move to a Muslim country and quit harassing us with YOUR hatred!!!

  7. Democrats are pro Muslim and yet keep accusing others of a war on women...LOL

  8. Will there be "walk a mile in her habit" day and have nuns putting their gear (including the crucifix) on the Muslim students?? Ya gotta be inclusive!!!

  9. When they wear that craps it's a sign of oppression in there Muslim country's so why wear it in America? Assimilate or LEAVE.

  10. CAN I wear a cross in a mosque?

  11. Next week it is "How to wear a Bomb Vest" and not wrinkle your clothes.
    During Christmas break they are going to show us how to build a clock that fits in a briefcase.

  12. Hijab's should be outlawed like the confederate flag was.

  13. So long as they continue to wear these clothes we know who they are!

  14. No one can even wear a crucifix in school and these apologists want to indoctrinate and "educate" American kids on the tenets and beliefs of some particular religion?
    And no says "WTF?????".
    10:52 & 12:20 nailed it.
    Keep cheering.

  15. I wonder if NIKE will make a sports hijab

    1. They should 3:09 - one that tightens around their necks ten minutes after it's put on. That way they cannot reproduce any more terrorists.

  16. Will they also ask them to wear a bomb vest or behead someone?

  17. Seems so innocent, but could this be veiled as a way to recruit?

  18. I am no longer nice or polite to these scumbags of the world.
    Islam is a sickness!

  19. Turn about is fair play. When are the muslims going to learn about other faiths??? I'm not holding my breath!

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am no longer nice or polite to these scumbags of the world.
    Islam is a sickness!

    December 11, 2015 at 5:44 PM

    But didn't Jesus say to love your enemies and to pray for your enemies?

  21. " Anonymous said...

    You are an idiot 10:42. Why don't you get with the real world.

    December 11, 2015 at 11:35 AM"

    Oh how the truth sucks doesn't it 11:35. You brainwashed propagandized simpletons can't stand it when you are told the way it IS and not what you want to hear. Oh how you hate it! It burns you up to be told how it IS-oh how it burns you up.
    And it's so obvious how you know it's IS the truth because instead of offering up any intelligent defense you have to name call. YOU need to get with the real world and you NEED to start by educating yourself. It would benefit you greatly-do you understand.

  22. 7:56
    So you are telling 11:35 not to name call and turn around and do that same thing.

    The reason they wear the covering from head to toe is so that they entire body is covered. They feel if you show bare skin men would lust after them. To them that is a sin. How about teaching your men that the women are not just a baby making machine. In Islam that is all they are used for. Many women must walk so many feet behind a man. A husband is permitted to beat his wife also. If a muslim parent dies nothing goes to the female. The male is the only one that inherits anything. They do not believe in adoption. I have just one question. If a male dies as a suicide bomber he is promised 72 virgins when he gets to paradise. He also gets so many prepubescent boys. What does the female get? Her husband and all his virgins and little boys? It's all about having the men control everything that a woman does. So I have to ask you 7:56 which of this appeals to you the most? Beating of the wife, the virgins or the little boys? They are all part of islam which you seem to want to defend.

  23. The hijab does identify Muslim women as Muslim. That is a problem if you believe you should wear the hijab as you are telling the world you are a Muslim. You are telling a world in which there are people who hate you for no other reason than you are a Muslim. There is no place to hide. The same is true if you are dark skinned as Black or lighter dark skinned in a white skinned nation. There is no way to conceal who you really are.

    There are no laws that prevent Christians from wearing a crucifix to school or that prevent Christians from carrying their Bible. Some Christians believe they live in a sinful world. Some of the sinners are other people who claim to be different Christians. Amish women wear bonnets of varies types and cover their legs with long skirts and dark stockings.

    My own mother and her sister were not Amish but fundamentalist. They believed their hair should not be cut and they should wear a hat to church and they believed their legs should be covered all the time. When nylons no longer had seams they got into a argument about the sinfulness of the nudity of their stockings.

    We should not forget the strange dress of some Jews. Both men and women stand out to the rest of us because of their clothing.
    They don't think much of others who are different either.

    Then there are Sikhs and Hindus all with their own dress. They have sometimes been mistaken for Muslims and attacked by white bigots.

    There is much more common sense to be said about the dress of others but I don't have time to go on.

  24. The Jakob is a sign of oppression, if that's what they like LEAVE AMERICA.

  25. The HAJIB is a sign of oppression, if that's what they like LEAVE AMERICA.

  26. Then there should be an equivalent "Walk a Mile in Freedom From Repressive Religion"' event, then.

    Let the Muslim females enjoy going without the head rag like everyone else does, I bet plenty of them would appreciate it once the freedom sunk in.

  27. Take down the Confederate flag but this is ok. I would love to see the Confederate flag scarf on one of them. Nothing would be said.

  28. They should walk a mile dragging the caskets of those killed throughout the world by Islamic terrorist. Maybe we should go back to living under the "old testament" There would be no Muslims in America.

    America love it or leave it !!!

  29. Anonymous said...
    So long as they continue to wear these clothes we know who they are!

    December 11, 2015 at 2:06 PM

    But you don't know what is under those clothes.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So you are telling 11:35 not to name call and turn around and do that same thing.

    The reason they wear the covering from head to toe is so that they entire body is covered. They feel if you show bare skin men would lust after them. To them that is a sin. How about teaching your men that the women are not just a baby making machine. In Islam that is all they are used for. Many women must walk so many feet behind a man. A husband is permitted to beat his wife also. If a muslim parent dies nothing goes to the female. The male is the only one that inherits anything. They do not believe in adoption. I have just one question. If a male dies as a suicide bomber he is promised 72 virgins when he gets to paradise. He also gets so many prepubescent boys. What does the female get? Her husband and all his virgins and little boys? It's all about having the men control everything that a woman does. So I have to ask you 7:56 which of this appeals to you the most? Beating of the wife, the virgins or the little boys? They are all part of islam which you seem to want to defend.

    December 11, 2015 at 8:09 PM

    Hey what about all the man's goats that he humps?

  31. Anonymous said...
    The hijab does identify Muslim women as Muslim. That is a problem if you believe you should wear the hijab as you are telling the world you are a Muslim. You are telling a world in which there are people who hate you for no other reason than you are a Muslim. There is no place to hide. The same is true if you are dark skinned as Black or lighter dark skinned in a white skinned nation. There is no way to conceal who you really are.

    There are no laws that prevent Christians from wearing a crucifix to school or that prevent Christians from carrying their Bible. Some Christians believe they live in a sinful world. Some of the sinners are other people who claim to be different Christians. Amish women wear bonnets of varies types and cover their legs with long skirts and dark stockings.

    My own mother and her sister were not Amish but fundamentalist. They believed their hair should not be cut and they should wear a hat to church and they believed their legs should be covered all the time. When nylons no longer had seams they got into a argument about the sinfulness of the nudity of their stockings.

    We should not forget the strange dress of some Jews. Both men and women stand out to the rest of us because of their clothing.
    They don't think much of others who are different either.

    Then there are Sikhs and Hindus all with their own dress. They have sometimes been mistaken for Muslims and attacked by white bigots.

    There is much more common sense to be said about the dress of others but I don't have time to go on.

    December 11, 2015 at 11:30 PM

    Hey Douche Bags we are not talking about Jews, Fundamentalists, Sikhs, Hindus. We are talking about Murdering Muslims. Quit defending them foreign freaks of nature. It's people like you that I wish were marked some how so I could offer you no sympathy when they take out a knife while holding your hair in their hand while slicing your neck until the last tendon snaps. You defend them then you need to suffer the consequences.

  32. @7-11 I bet they are hiding all over the eastern shore just waiting to jihad some chicken farmer on his way to the store for some smokes.


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