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Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Nearly 1,000 Clinton emails had classified info

The State Department’s latest release of Hillary Clinton documents brings the total number of Clinton emails known to contain classified material to nearly 1,000.

The department on Monday released its largest batch of emails yet, posting 7,800 pages of the former secretary of state’s communications.

The latest batch contains 328 emails deemed to have classified information. According to the State Department, that brings the total number with classified information to 999.

The emails in question were deemed classified before their release by the department – and the former secretary of state has said all along she never sent emails with material marked classified at the time.

But the large number of emails containing now-classified material further underscores how much sensitive information was crossing her private server, a situation her critics have described as a security risk.

Shortly after the release, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus released a statement saying, "With the number of emails containing classified information now numbering nearly one thousand, this latest court-ordered release underscores the degree to which Hillary Clinton jeopardized our national security and has tried to mislead the American people."

Her email practices are also the subject of a federal investigation.



  1. A reckless liability.

  2. Well, this should be enough to have her arrested and tried.

  3. A federal grand jury should be convened to decide if she should be indited for the e-mails and lying to congress as well as the American people!

  4. She actually thinks she will get away with this. Once republicans take back the WH the cuffs will go on. I LOVE IT!!

    1. she will get away with this. she will be pardoned by obama on his last day.

  5. Hildabeast the hag should be convicted before the election! I didn't take that long for General Petraeus' sentence to be handed down! He did a lot less!

  6. I wonder if Bill had access to her server. If he did, that would put a whole new spin on things.


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