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Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Americans Bought Enough Guns Black Friday To Create a New Military Branch

A petulant President Barack Obama demanded that Americans talk about gun control over Thanksgiving.

Citizens responded by buying enough firearms in one day to field an entire new military the size of the Marine Corps, with guns left over to equip 2-4 Army divisions.

Mr. President you have you answer.

It was a rousing “screw you.”

Exploitative members of the mainstream media and the Democrat Party have attempted to use the Islamic terror attacks in France to frighten Americans into passing “Minority Report” legislation for the past few weeks. This legislation would strip American citizens of their core rights without a trial, or without them even being accused of committing a crime. 



  1. Just think about this, last month 700,000 deer hunters in Michigan hit the woods, now take Texas with it's 650,000, add in Ohio's 500,000, you see where this is going.
    There are an estimated 60 million hunters in the USA, this is the reason no country wants to invade us on our soil.
    This is why Liberal Democrats want to disarm us, so we are no longer citizens, but subjects!

  2. Now that we don't have much of a military , it wasn't as many guns as you think.

  3. The scary part is that a lot of liberals are also arming themselves.
    Emotionally-driven, tantrum-prone people with utopian ideals.

  4. Screw obammer I bought 2.

  5. Every time a politician talks about more gun control go buy one. You will amass a large collection. I have.


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