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Sunday, December 06, 2015

Florida ‘Muslim-free’ Gun Shop Owner Wins Discrimination Suit

A federal discrimination lawsuit filed by a Muslim activist group against a Florida gun retailer owner who declared his shop a “Muslim-Free Zone” has been dismissed.

U.S. District Judge Beth Bloom ruled that Florida Gun Supply owner Andy Hallinan’s sign was protected by the First Amendment, and the activists couldn’t prove they were injured by the action, a local NBC affiliate reported.

The plaintiff, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Florida, has 30 days to appeal the decision.

Mr. Hallinan made headlines earlier this year when he declared his Inverness store a “Muslim-free zone” in the wake of the shooting of four servicemen outside a recruiting office in Chattanooga, Tennessee, by an Islamic extremist.

CAIR announced the lawsuit against the gun store in July, saying the Muslim-free zone amounted to religious discrimination, violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

More here


  1. I'd rather that he declared it an "Islam-Free Zone", since it's the religion/ideology that is the problem. But then they might be able to claim it violates their "civil rights" for discriminating by religion.

    Either way, score one for freedom of speech.

  2. This only because no one could show injury. The first time he denies service to any legal gun-purchaser, he's subject to a lawsuit that he can't win.

  3. I think private businesses should be able to have whatever customers they want.

  4. I'm sure you'd all feel the same way if he refused to sell to white, Christian men due to mass shootings.

  5. Ralph. Who are the Christian mass shooters?

  6. since most Muslims get their weapon illegally why would they care anyway

  7. That's fine. It's my 1st amendment right to call him a P.O.S. too!

  8. 4:50 Sandy Hook shooter, Aurora movie theater shooter, 2011 Tucson shooting of Gabby Giffords, Columbine to name a few. I could go on and on.

  9. 5:35
    Since Christians follow the New Testament please find the verse where God tells them to kill for him.....I will wait.

    There is the difference. Anyone can claim they are Christian but doing what was done in all the places you mention is not in the teaching of Christianity.

    Now open your quran and you will find several places where Allah commands people to kill in his name.

  10. All he has to do is make it compulsory that every customer before they can purchase anything has to eat a bacon sandwich.

  11. Ralph-you are kidding aren't you? Either you are kidding or you are grossly uninformed. Not one of those shooters you mentioned ever claimed they were killing in the name of their religion. Not a one. Not one was said to have screamed the Christian equivalent to allahu akbar God is greater while killing did they?

  12. 5:35 Ralph. They were white men but NOT Christians.

  13. You all keep it up with religion and see how it turns out. Look at the Middle East for example. Leave it alone and be nice to people.

  14. Replies
    1. Hi Steve! Didn't know you were a blogger!!

  15. Just another misguided liberal!

  16. Great job! I love the the Confederate Battle Flag in the back ground!

  17. 1046, wrong Steve if you meant me...

  18. Just because sonmeobe is neither Muslim not Jewish, does not mean they are Christian by default.

    I'm not Muslim; nor Jewish.

    But don't count me as "Christian" either.


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