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Sunday, December 06, 2015

Baltimore Residents Wary As Freddie Gray Trials Slated To Begin

It's been seven months since protests over the death of an unarmed black man after his arrest erupted into looting and arson, leading Baltimore's mayor to declare a curfew and call in the National Guard. Now, that unrest remains a potent backdrop as the trial begins for the first of six police officers charged in Freddie Gray's death.

"I just want peace while the trial is going on," says Missa Grant, standing at a bus stop across a busy intersection from the former CVS that became a televised symbol of the violence. The store was looted, set fire to, and eventually torn down. The walls of a new red brick structure are now halfway up.

Grant says if the evidence shows the officers are not guilty, so be it. But with such a long and growing list of unarmed black men killed by police all over the country, she doesn't think everyone will see it that way

"I believe there's going to be another riot, I really do," she says. "It's not what I'm looking for. But I really believe that they're going to react out if somebody doesn't have to stand up for what happened to Freddie Gray."



  1. And when they find out that his injuries were self imposed because he wanted to go to the hospital instead of jail, they will still riot. I wonder if the Mayor will "give them space to destroy" this time?

  2. She better get ready or get out. it does not matter what the verdict is they will still riot

  3. I would love to see the armed forces shoot anyone that riots.

  4. I hope he is found not guilty. Those people aren't civilized. Just look at the way they are killing each other off. If they feel cops treat them differently it's no darn wonder and if they can't figure that one out then something is seriously wrong with their brains.

  5. Update- judge,would you give "more or less weight" to testimony from cop simply bc cop? 7 jurors stood.

    You or immediate family member law enforcement? 12 jurors stood.

    You or immed fam member victim of crime, been arrested/charged/convicted, or facing pending charges? 38 jurors stood.

    Q: Do you have strong feelings about charges Porter faces (manslaughter, misconduct in office, etc.)?: 26 jurors stood.

    Do you have "strong feelings" about FreddieGray or Porter being African American? 1 juror stood

    : Do you have strong feelings about race, sex, religion, etc, of defendant, witnesses, etc? 1 juror stood

    Have any of you *not* heard about this case? Zero jurors stood

    : Are you *not* aware of the curfew imposed after unrest after #FreddieGray's death? Zero jurors stood

    Are you *not* aware of the ($6.4M) civil payout city agreed to with #FreddieGray's family? Zero jurors stood

    Q: Do you believe you can not serve on jury because of medical issues? 10 jurors stood.

    Do you believe you can not - not don't want to, but can not -serve on jury for another reason? 29 jurors stood.

    Judge now meeting with individual potential jurors 1 on 1 behind closed doors to ask them about the ?'s they stood up for

  6. The judge is a poster boy for what a failure affirmative action is.
    He said Porter's trial "will conclude no later than Dec 17th." There is no way he can set this in stone. It's no wonder all other races have progressed much more than blacks. If he is an example of what they consider educated and are proud of then they are in serious trouble as a race-serious trouble.

  7. You can hear protesters in overflow room and countroom. Some chant and bullhorn. 200 + names read from witness list. Jurors heard of them from media coverage. Juror 233 has business dealings and personal conncection to lots of BPD cops and Mosby and Det Teel who investigated FG death.

  8. Donta Allen the "2nd passenger" is back in Baltimore to appear as a witness. He was brought down from York PA where he was incarcerated and is now in the custody of local corrections.

  9. 80 potential jurors questioned so far. Juror #'s 1-1400 told to report. voir dire will take until dec 16. judge a joke.

  10. out of that 80 38 stood when asked if they were victim or charged w/crime almost 1/2. wow

  11. 4 sketch artists in courtroom. Porter took notes. Has a pile of cough drops w him.

  12. Protests outside were audible in the courtroom.
    That's not good.
    They were chanting "What do we want? When do we want it? All night all day"

    What's that supposed to mean?

  13. "Anonymous said...

    The judge is a poster boy for what a failure affirmative action is.
    He said Porter's trial "will conclude no later than Dec 17th." There is no way he can set this in stone. It's no wonder all other races have progressed much more than blacks. If he is an example of what they consider educated and are proud of then they are in serious trouble as a race-serious trouble.

    November 30, 2015 at 11:39 AM"

    Exactly. When he gave this time limit he was potentially limiting and tying the hands of the lawyers esp defense because they will then have to condense their defense because of time constraints. A real judge as opposed to an affirmative action political appointee pawn knows this.

  14. Probably no more updates. told judge behind door questioning of potential jurors to take rest of day

  15. could just be a rumor but supposedly some potential jurors were heard chanting/shouting we will fight for freddie gray. a 3 ring circus not a courthouse

  16. stopped selection for lunch a little bit ago. no jurors dismissed yet

  17. "Anonymous said...

    could just be a rumor but supposedly some potential jurors were heard chanting/shouting we will fight for freddie gray. a 3 ring circus not a courthouse

    November 30, 2015 at 1:03 PM"

    This is why the trial should have been moved out of the city but of course the affirmative action judge and the affirmative action skank Mosby disagreed. As far as the Gray supporters they are to not be taken seriously because taken collectively their IQ level is somewhere in the imbecile range.

  18. Any juror heard making comments like that, or seen standing around those that are chanting and ranting about FG, should be automatically immediately dismissed from the potential jury pool.

    The way these troglodytes whoop and shriek and carry on, you'd think it was their saintly holy miracle-wreaking personal king that was murdered while publicly healing children and lepers. Not a lowly thief and drug dealer.

    Not a howl, nor a whimper of protest for a black child shot dead by a thug, though. Because black lives are apparently only validated by being ended by a white person.


  19. I hope they burn down there own rental property again, get the popcorn out its gonna be good and lock and load.

  20. They prove just how stupid they are by glorifying a drug dealer, and a crack head. Instead of being glad a gangster and drug dealer is off the streets. He was nothing but trouble and repeat offender and loser.


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