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Sunday, December 06, 2015

Carla Moore & My Personal Thoughts On Yesterday's Trial

As I sat in the court room for a good part of the day yesterday, there were quite a few people there to witness this case.

Denver Moore was removed from the court room for most of the trial but when he returned this piece of crap tried his very best to stare me down, as if he wanted to attack me. Wow, what a tough guy, NOT! I think all of you know by now that I think this guy is a complete scumbag but that's just my opinion as a Pittsville taxpayer. 

My thoughts on the property the family offered. Well, could it be that Denver picked up this property at foreclosure for $10 or $20,000.00? Could it be that the man is actually looking to make a profit off the sale/gift to taxpayers??? Considering we don't have the actual address of the land, we'll just assume this is the case. It may have appraised for $110,000.00 BUT WHAT DID YOU PAY FOR IT DENVER?

As for the honorable Judge Sarbanes, great work Sir, seriously. Judge Sarbanes was clearly educated from top to bottom on this case and anyone present yesterday could clearly tell this by his remarks. 

As for the prosecuting attorney, again, very well educated on the case and guess what, even John Pheobus did an incredible job defending his client. His attempts to place DOUBT was just incredible and very creative. However, the facts were the facts and there was no denying the final outcome. 

So here's what you won't read or hear from the rest of the local media, aside from what we've already told you.

Carla Moore not only stole from the Town of Pittsville, she continued to TRY to steal from the Town up to FIVE months after she was fired. She was attempting to charge payments on the Town credit card.

Carla Moore was getting up to 14 paychecks a month, forging signatures on checks and pulling checks at random throughout the pile of Town checks in stock. She played multiple tricks to game the system but in the end it all caught up to her and there was no denying she was guilty. In fact, Carla quit her current job a few days ago because, (and her attorney admitted this in court) she knew she was going to jail. 

As for George Whited, (Town Council Member) his letter to the Judge, along with Denver Moore's offer of land, should have BOTH members immediately removed from anything to do with the Town based on NO CONFIDENCE. The voters of Pittsville should come together and have them removed immediately.

Look, the mere fact that ANY of this went on, ($128,000.00 worth) should be enough to have them ALL removed. This is AMERICA and NONE of you should stand for this. It's about time We the People should stand up against people like this and have them removed. 

Finally, the harsh looks I received AS A TAXPAYER from Denver Moore tells me he has NO REMORSE whatsoever for what his Daughter did. In fact, I spoke to one of the attorneys there yesterday and was told he was giving the same stare down to other people throughout the two day trial. Carla Moore got off easy, (in my opinion). You have to understand that Judge Sarbanes is held by the state to a certain sentencing guideline. However, he exceeded that and made sure she would be held to an additional 5 years of supervised probation. Life, even after serving her time in jail will not be simple. If she fails to comply with probation and does not pay back the $128,000.00, she'll go back to jail for another 13 years.


  1. She'll do 2 years max.

  2. When will people realize who try and move money around to different places and filter it through other companies or people, that eventually you will get caught. No matter how good you think you have "laundered" your money, someone else has to be involved to do it. Eventually the more hands involved in moving money around, sooner or later someone will turn to avoid jail and bring everyone down. It could be years but eventually it happens. Everyone who was involved in this needs to go to jail and those who knew about should be punished. To all those companies out there. To all those governmental agencies out there moving money and steeling thinking your not going to get caught, pack your bags and toothbrush, you and Moore are sharing a cell.

  3. Well said! How about the town attorney?

  4. Denver Moore's cheese slid off his cracker a long time ago. To use a medical term he is a whack job.

  5. She should have to pay back every dime and work her ass off to do it. Her father should be removed as well. He's just as guilty as her and I would not accept shit from him. No fought I'm sure that he is covering up his fraudulent actions.....I say Impeach his ass out.........town of pittsville would be much better with new slate!! Bet there's more charges that could be filed against the whole damn place....

  6. I am sorry- so she she stole money and they offered to pay back. Fine her -give her work release. But a judge who had people beaten up in an illegal gambling ring he ran should not be passing judgement on anyone.

    1. That is true about Jimmy Sarbanes he did run a gambling ring and got off because of his family. I went to highschool with him he was never a good person. He should not be a judge

  7. Joe, people look at you that way because you are a scumbag.

  8. Thank you for your commentary. I would also like to add, Ella Disharoon and Matt Maciarello should be thanked from the bottom of the citizens hearts for the case they presented. Mr. Maciarello has a solid approach to obtaining justice for the citizens of Wicomico County. Thousands of dollars were expended to investigate these charges with the help of many other agencies such as the MSP and WBI. There were accountants hired along with hand writing analyst, all of this costing the taxpayers of Wicomico County thousands of their tax dollars. For the Pittsville Commissioners to defend or support the actions of a thief no matter what family is totally inappropriate and malfeasance of their office. Ms Moore committed a terrible crime and will be punished and as a citizen I'm very grateful for that.

  9. There were lots of scumbags in the court room but Joe wasn't one of them.

  10. Guess what John Robinson, there are lots of people that look at you the same way. I do because you tried to screw me once but it didn't work.

    1. Yeah. I agree with that. JR tried to get over on me once too. Remember John? The 2ct diamond you tried to hustle out of my wifes wedding ring? Oh thats right....it was an honest mistake taking it iut of the setting and replacing it with a CZ. Nice try you filthy meat whistle.

    2. Yeah John Robinson is a weasel if you know him long enough you'll find out. You're only fooling yourself John

  11. Please, I'm imploring the residents of Pittsville to demand resignations of some if not all commissioners. They aren't willing to do what they were elected to do. They weren't elected to represent each other but rather represent all the citizens.

  12. It is my understanding that Denver Moore is treasurer of the Pittsville Cemetery Fund. An audit is in order for that account. If Moore had any respectability he would ask for it himself to put all doubts to bed.

  13. LOL What morons worry about this crap. I have better things to do and worry about. People should worry about themselves rather than worry about what someone else did. LOL

  14. It was interesting that having never admitted guilt during the whole investigation nor during the trial, when it came time to try and get a lesser sentence Mr. Phoebus threw out she admits her guilt. Really? I've never seen any remorse from her at all. I would imagine she might be feeling differently today after her first night in prison.

  15. Her only remorse was over getting caught and punished.

  16. Anonymous said...
    It is my understanding that Denver Moore is treasurer of the Pittsville Cemetery Fund. An audit is in order for that account. If Moore had any respectability he would ask for it himself to put all doubts to bed.

    December 5, 2015 at 1:30 PM

    Apparently he is and doesn't maintain the graves or property well. My neighbor's wife and his parents are buried there...he's 83 and goes out to tend the graves himself. Denver Moore is a disgrace

  17. How did she pay for phebous? Stolen money?

  18. Tidewaterbound, that was my point. I totally agree that the cemetery isn't maintained like it should be. Someone and I'm not sure if there is an active board should check that account.

  19. 1:33 must be a comehere and don't know that gossip along with trash talking everyone is what we do around here.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1:33 must be a comehere and don't know that gossip along with trash talking everyone is what we do around here.

    December 5, 2015 at 8:09 PM

    and a dumbass just like you

  21. This case reminds me of the Stevens case...bad advice to the clients.

  22. JR that's probably the pot calling the kettle black! Anyone in Salisbury that realy knows you, knows you are the scumbag and would NEVER trust you. You worked on a friends clock and when she got it hom it never worked and actually fell apart.

  23. Judge Sarbanes I say good job. I hope you are able to make her sentence without parole so she has to serve the entire 7 years!

  24. I can see why she could get away with it- that impish grin and sparkling eyes, she should have gone into modeling

    1. Closest she'll get to modeling, is shuffling down the tier catwalk in prison orange for chow time.

  25. J. Robinson those words coming out of your mouth are laughable. YOU are the one that is a scumbag, totally. You rip people off on a daily basis and you get on here and call someone scum? Tell us about the fire at your place of business. Go ahead tell us.


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