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Sunday, December 06, 2015

Beware Pittsville Property Owners

Earlier today I did an article about Carla and Denver Moore. I questioned how much Denver Moore paid for the property he offered to give to the Town of Pittsville towards Carla's restitution of $128,000.00. Are you ready?

The Moore family paid $10.00 for the property. You read that right. 8363 Whitesville Road is the address, look it up. 

So let's see. He paid $10.00 for it and it was allegedly appraised for $110,000.00 . I'll leave the rest to you. 


  1. To the person who just tried to put up a comment defending the Moore family.

    Carla Moore stole the money, Carla Moore needs to pay it back. So you think it is OK for someone to steal money from the town, then trade in a lot in which the Moore family will PROFIT $109,990.00 from it and Carla only be responsible for $18,010.00???

    I'll tell you what. Sell the land for $110,000.00, (like they should have done a year ago) and then we'll see if the states attorney will accept that CASH. However, trying to GIFT it to the town and taxpayers for $110,000.00 is a BS scam.

    Even Judge Sarbanes questioned why they hadn't done that long ago.

  2. Thanks Joe and simply consigning the property over in lieu of actual cash is NOT acceptable. If they SELL it and get the $128,000 and pay their taxes on it and hand over the cash is the only way this should work.

    And many previous posters are correct, the entire management of the town needs to be replaced from the top down.

  3. Amazing that there are people who actually defend grand theft and from the taxpayers at that. Makes one wonder what is wrong with people these days.

  4. An auction is the only way to determine the true value of the land or anything. Moore should call an auctioneer Monday morning and schedule the sale in 6 weeks to give time to advertise properly. If the commissioners do anything less than take only cash then they have committed malfeasance of their office. I certainly hope that Farlows lawyer son will advise his Dad how he should vote on this issue.

  5. I totally agree! Must be paid back in cash!

  6. They have learned a lot from the Clintons , Hillary has taught many people how to steal.

  7. That will not happen. B S scam offers.

  8. To the poster who keeps repeating...two years max, two years max, she ought to do all 20 years and her father right along with her.

  9. And little asked for leniency? He should be pushing for max penalty if he has the best interests of the taxpayers in mind. Unless there is some other reason he's supporting her......

  10. Are you sure that property wasn't left to him by his grandfather?

  11. The property on whitesville road is useless. Denver sold off the road front lots that perked years ago.Whats left is probably wetlands anyway.If he wants to make this kind of deal in front of the media just imagine whats gone on for years with no big brother to oversee.

    1. Denver is the biggest thief I know. He tries to strong arm businesses into paying his impact fees to improve old properties that have been in existence for fifty years. Then uses Paul Wilbur to defend the scam using taxpayers dollars knowing it would be cheaper to pay the fee than to defend your rights. Pittsville has a lot of potential but the backstabbing politicians and the good ole boy system assures that people like Denver can continue to furnish their houses with new furniture using taxpayers dollars

  12. Both of these thieves should serve time and a lot of it. The father is pulling another con on the taxpayers. Why in the world would the judge allow such a thing to begin with???? One has to question this type of let's shake hands and make a deal type move.

  13. the Pittsville council seems ready to become u s senators, they will fit in nice with barney frank and pelosi

  14. Sounds like to me the town of pittsville (good Ole boys) runs like the wicomico county council....

  15. My experience is that Carla will work an give up 25% of her income an the Town of Pittsville will never get all of their Money. If Denver an his wife wish to sell the rest of the land that he inheritated a share an purchesed the balance from his Grand Parents to apply to the debt. That is nice of them. AS tax papers we appreciate this, They don't have to do that. NO QUESTION DENVER MOORE NEVER HAD A THING TO DO WITH THIS THEFT. MOST OF US PARENTS WOULD TRUST THEIR DAUGHTER's, CARLA SCREWED UP VERY STUPID. LETS work with the Moore's to sell the land an give the town the money any reduce the sentence to something similar to whar a stealing lawyer gets , what the biggest theift from Wicomico County got. 18 months work release.

    Carla has embarrased all of us, the stress she has causes her parents , who have proven fo 30 years to be hard working people.
    Lets try an get some money back an move on.

  16. At one time Denver had many public troughs to feed from, his actions has slowing cut the number of pockets he has to pick from. What's his connection with the Pittsville VFD and the Lion's Club? I hope Matt can get enough evidence to prosecute him. The people of Pittsville really need to unite and petition all of their butts out of their titles and cut off their healthcare benefits. When they are really gone, and only then will the taxpaers of Pittsville know for certain how much money was being skimmed off.


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