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Friday, December 18, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner Named Most Fascinating Person of 2015 by Barbara Walters

Barbara Walters might not have a regular seat at the View table anymore, but her opinions — as evidenced by her annual Most Fascinating People special — remain as relevant as ever.

So America scratched its collective head during this year’s telecast, which aired Thursday on ABC, wondering who would nab the legendary newswoman’s top spot. Amy Schumer, Bradley Cooper, Tracy Morgan, Misty Copeland, Bernie Sanders, Donna Karan, Ronda Rousey, Jeff Bezos and Donald Trump filled the first nine positions, all leading up to the big reveal.

In case you ignored the headline and photo of this article, Caitlyn Jenner — the athlete formerly known as Bruce Jenner — was the final name revealed. I use “revealed” loosely because, given the first nine names on the list, who else could possibly be left?



  1. Caitlyn is kinda hot,in a verile way of course..

  2. They are both shameless human beings. God will get both of them.

  3. We live in a very sick country.

  4. I thought Barbara Walters died years ago. Two has beens.

  5. Does anyone know if she likes women or men and does she still have a thing?

  6. When is enough--- enough?December 18, 2015 at 3:59 PM

    You think 2:53???? How about I let you in that Michele Obama is really a TRANSVESTITE...Yes, this Country is sick...

  7. Reminds me of the carnival freak shows of my youth.
    Now when you want to see freaks all you need to do is watch a " reality show"

  8. Well she was nominated for 'interesting'... after all. Sure is interesting!

  9. I don't have a problem with her. She is the liberals worst nightmare. A conservative transgender.


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