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Friday, December 18, 2015

An Airline Passenger Took A Crap So Foul They Had To Land The Plane

Having to use an airplane bathroom is indignity enough. Can you imagine what it would do to your self-esteem if your after-stench actually grounded an entire flight full of travelers?

Because that's exactly what happened to some poor man or woman (though, probably a man) who was flying British Airways from London to Dubai.

It appears that about fifteen minutes into the flight, a gastroenterologically distressed passenger took an emergency trip into the small room in the back of the plane to empty the contents of their lower intestine that thing that passes for a toilet. That's probably about seven seconds after the seatbelt light went off, so something pretty awful was probably brewing.



  1. I once went on a senior bus trip to sight and sound a few years ago.
    One of the seniors took a crap so foul, that my clothes smelled like crap when I finally got off the bus. All I could do was try to breath out of my mouth and hope for the next rest area to take in some fresh air!!!!

    It's nice have these on the bus and plane, but they really need to design them better. Maybe a fan that blows the poo odor outside and not recirculate it in the cabin!!!! It was so bad, we were all gagging!!!!

  2. That was me on that bus trip and it wasn't THAT bad...I think most liked it.

  3. Some people smell like an asphalt plant.

  4. CLIMATE CHANGE...They are Contributing to Climate Change AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  5. He took a Big Obama...


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