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Friday, November 20, 2015

What Do We Do Now In America The Same Way We Did It 100 Years Ago?

Can we crowdsource a history story?

Often you add insightful information to stories I have posted and sometimes you suggest new stories for me to write. I feel like we are in a partnership.

So, I wondered further, if you would like to help me brew up a story ...

If not, that's OK. No pressure. I will probably write it anyway. This is just an experiment, using tools that weren't available only a few years ago.

Here is the idea: Some people believe that the old ways are the best ways and so they are carrying on traditions that otherwise might be tossed into the dumpster of obsolescence.

Working title: The Same Way It Was Done in America 100 Years Ago

Some inspiration: Recently Reddit triggered a conversation around the question, "What is something better the old-fashioned way?" Redditors replied with — among the expected wisecracks — some more thoughtful answers, including "hanging up on someone" with an old-fashioned phone, car radios with knobs instead of touch screens, and homemade applesauce. Perhaps this thread can prompt some possibilities.



  1. Not much is done the way it was 100 years ago, unless you are Amish. People are to lazy and self absorbed to do much of anything for theirself.

  2. We as a nation still believe that the world loves us, all they love is that were suckers and give away taxpayers money to them!

  3. Hand made musical instruments, hand made leather goods (saddles,etc.)Oil lamps.


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