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Friday, November 20, 2015

Employees pay 130% more for health care than a decade ago

Employees of midsize and large companies in 2015 paid an average of $4,700 for their health insurance, up from $2,001 in 2005, according to recent analysis fromAon Hewitt.

Because they are looking for solutions to high costs, companies are changing the design of their benefit programs, Aon Hewitt Senior Vice President Mike Morrow said, moving toward leaner plans. In fact, 38% of employers have increased their participants’ deductibles and/or copays in the last year, and another 46% may do so in the future, the report from Aon said.

Companies are also beginning to offer high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) more frequently, an option that didn’t really exist for employers until the last decade, said Gerald Kominski, the director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research; they are now the second-most popular plan choice, surpassing health-maintenance organization plans (HMOs).

Employers are making cutbacks in health coverage in other ways, too. Some 18% of companies are reducing subsidies for covered dependents, and 17% are adding a surcharge for adult dependents who have access to other health coverage. Plus, 43% of companies are considering using unitized pricing, in which employees pay per person instead of individual versus family.



  1. "Your costs will go down as a result of the Affordable Care Act"

    this and "If you like your doctor, you can keep your Doctor" - among other lies.....

    We got what we collectively voted for!

  2. Obama care has done nothing for most. My rates have gone up 40% over the last 2 years and my benefits have gone down. That's not how it is suppose to work. When cost increases benefits should rise also not the other way around. Hopefully we can repeal this in 2016.

  3. it will never be repealed! once hillary is prez, things are going to go south very quick! Be prepared!!

  4. If the Hildabeast gets elected she will never finish out her term. She will either die of a heart attack or come down with alzheimers and be completely unable to function.

  5. For all those people talking about killary, the one and only way to keep her from winning is go out and actually vote for a strong republican.

  6. Are you on drugs 5:44? Your vote for any GOP candidate does NOT mean anything thing in MD. How can you people be so uninformed about how the process really works?


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