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Sunday, November 01, 2015

Virginia Drivers Refuse to Hand Over Confederate License Plates

After Dylann Roof killed 9 people attending a black church in South Carolina, it seemed liked the whole country went on a campaign to stamp out the Confederate flag. It didn’t matter that the majority of Americans who revere that flag hold no racist inclinations. In our country, if one person does something crazy or stupid, everyone must suffer for it.

That’s why the state of Virgina decided to outlaw their Confederate license plates after the shooting. It is now a misdemeanor to drive with one of these plates in Virginia, and the DMV has asked anyone with Confederate plates to have them replaced. However, the vast majority of these people aren’t budging. According to the DMV, of the 1600 plates that were issued, only 187 have been returned. They even tried sending new plates to these drivers, and instead of getting the old plates back, the DMV received letters saying “no thank you.”



  1. Good for them!

    More proof that it wasn't "the whole country"'suddenly turning upon its own, to "stamp out" a vital symbol of independence and rebellion against government tyranny.

    It was a small contingent of racist opportunists seizing the chance to destroy the very heritage that built this country.

  2. Amen to that 3:32 AM

  3. How about all vehicles that have a chain around their tags , have them remove the chains that represent they were slaves. I don't believe anyone today can relate to slavery 150 years ago. Get over it people.

  4. And i guess those hundreds of thousands of confederate soldiers who died means Nothing screw the obama agenda.

    1. Do you defend the dead Nazis too?

    2. Because they claim Confederate lives don't matter. Just black ones.

      They'd implode if they had to think about all the blacks who lost their lives fighting for the Confederacy.

  5. and heres comes 8:47 to the rescue. Did mommy get you out of your basement and make your cereal?

    Nazis were in Germany to doofus.

    We're talking about US soldiers here.

    Go back to playing video games moron.

  6. The State will be coming to their house (in force, as in an eight member SWAT team), confiscating their tags, fining them big money, and will probably put it on the list of offenses that can get you barred for LIFE from owning a gun.

  7. Hay quit talking about dead Nazi's, I had a relative die in the camps.
    My great uncle died in Treblinka.
    He fell out of a guard tower, and broke his neck.

  8. 3:14 love it! Seriously though, this whole flag thing is pure BS, the nut killed the people, not a flag.
    The nut was, like most mass shooters, a Democrat, and no one wants to talk about that!


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