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Sunday, November 01, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: House Republicans introduce measure to impeach IRS commissioner

House Republicans introduced a resolution to impeach IRS chief John Koskinen, accusing him of failing to comply with a subpoena for evidence and making “false statements” under oath.



  1. Fake... This is just to shut you people UP.... Nothing else...

    Just like those cops on trial, just to shut you all up and they will be found not guilty as usual... your lucky it has gotten this far in the system...

    Just like that cop who shot an unarmed man in the back for running, but said he took his taser so he had to shoot him, and just like the cop who shot at the guy for getting his license the cop told him to do, have you heard anything on them? NO why? bc they put charges on these cos to shut you up and it worked... then will walk and kill more people..

  2. 2nd American RevolutionOctober 27, 2015 at 5:12 PM

    Yeah, what took so long? Let's call 202-224-3121 and speed up this process....

  3. Why can't they do the same with the Hildabeast? She lied under oath and lies all the time.

  4. Good start keep em coming. Need to see Hillary in cuffs

  5. One of 20, keep going!

  6. Yep, just like that deck of cards that came out after 9/11.
    With the new deck of most wanted, Obama is the ace of spades

  7. Impeach Hitlery, and Obama too!

  8. It's a start. This administration is crooked from top to bottom. This guy's lies and contempt were plain to see for anyone following the issues.

    Clinton can't be impeached because she's just a filthy rich lying scheming private citizen. She can be indicted and convicted if the DOJ ever returns to following the laws instead of Obama's dictates.

  9. ALL BS!!! This republican congress ALWAYS talk a good game thends fold like a chair. I wish the voters across the country would vote every sitting republican OUT and start fresh


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