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Monday, November 09, 2015

Video: Cop Executes Man While Face Down On The Ground, Showing Hands

Video: Cop Executes Man While Face Down On The Ground, Showing Hands

Video has been released of a Pennsylvania police officer fatally shooting a man in the back as he lay face down on the ground with his hands visible.

The video emerged during the hearing of Officer Lisa Mearkle of the Hummelstown Borough Police Department, who was found not guilty of criminal homicide after shooting dead 59-year-old David Kassick earlier this year.

The footage shows the aftermath of Mearkle’s run in with Kassick over an expired inspection sticker. Kassick unfortunately chose to flee his vehicle and run home. He was later found to have alcohol and drugs in his system.

Mearkle gave chase and eventually was able to deploy a taser. The footage shows the officer repeatedly firing the taser into Kassick, by then on the ground.

While Kassick writhes in agony, Mearkle, clearly in a panicked rage, continues to yell “get on the ground.”



  1. and she got off, OF COURSE

  2. Females do not need to be or should not be in law enforcement.
    Tasers will never have a conviction as homicide , they are meant to disable . Don't run from the cops , very simple rule and also the law.

  3. Television has shown cops shooting to kill for years ..especially suspects or perps that try and run from them
    conditioning and anger have to be reprogrammed a couple of DAs withholding evidence placed in the prison population would go a very long way in accomplishing this

  4. She murdered this man and got away as usual. She is no different from the two that killed the little boy in Louisiana . O ! the difference is SHE is White.

  5. The police themselves will tell you that they are TRAINED to yell "STOP RESISTING", even as a suspect is being held down by 5 officers, who have his legs and arms pinned (or already cuffed) while another cop keeps a knee on the suspects neck, pressing his full weight down.
    Why? So when the police are accused of killing the suspect, they can point to the film and say "See? He was RESISTING!" We only used enough force to kill him, but that's all. We were afraid he would get up and, in a Bruce Lee moment, whip the dog crap out of five men at once. I'm telling you ladies and gentleman of the jury, we were THAT close to be killed! It was VERY scary!!".
    And the "GET ON THE GROUND!!" screaming, even though he was ALREADY on the ground, writhing and wetting his pants from the multiple electric shocks??? Pay no attention to the video, ladies and gentlemen of the jury --- he was FAKING all that so as to entice the officer to shoot him in the back. Out of fear of course. And good training.
    And the utmost confidence in the "Two Set of Laws" thing.
    Keep cheering.

  6. Dont run. Take your lumps and pay the fine. She is a big girl also. Dont think she needed additonal tools to subdue. Bottom line obey the laws of the land. The cops damn sure did not write these laws. They just enforce them. In doing so kill a few save a million. Sorry jusy my take on it.

  7. "....obey the laws of the land..." huh?
    Would that include no searches without warrant"?
    "innocent until proven guilty"?
    "not deprived of life without due process"?
    Or, how about the tried and true (not a law, but should be) "don't shoot people in the back"?
    Damn. One just cannot get around, or deny, the "Two Sets of Laws" thing.
    I don't care if your wife had just been beaten and raped, if SHE shot the rapist in the back, she's going to prison. If she knocked the rapist down with a blow to the head, and then shot him in the back, she's still going to prison. Ask any prosecutor.
    Do it with a badge on and you go to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast.
    With your family. Because you still have 4 days paid leave.
    Finally, people do stupid things. Like running from the police.
    She murdered him for it. THATS her idea of a jury trial?
    Over a f'ing INSPECTION STICKER. She didn't already have his car, his name and his address? Couldn't get him in an hour at his house, shivering from the cold? Another trigger happy Barney Fife, killing because, well, because there are two sets of laws.
    Keep cheering.
    Oh yeah. The "kill a few save a million" has already been used by Planned Parenthood. You'll need another slogan. How about "death to the Jews!"?? Sounds like you'd really like that one.....

  8. I love Imclain! Well, like I'm a hetero guy and so is he, so not that way, LOL! Love your take on things. Keep up the educational process. If two sheep a year come around, then consider yourself a success in life, but sometimes I worry...


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