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Monday, November 09, 2015

Opinion: [My Kid, the iPad Junkie]

CHICAGO (CBS) — Like many dads, I enjoy my iPhone, iPad and everything else Apple shells out for their hungry fans. I play games. I post on Facebook. I constantly look up information on Google and IMDB. Recently my wife confronted me with her unhappiness over my technology use. My caveman-like brain began to churn. Is too much screen time hurting my family?

This came on the heels of another observation of hers: she thinks our kids spend too much time on screens. I initially brushed off her concern. Technology opens their worlds. Plus, it entertains the little animals while my wife and I try to have a nice dinner.

My son, now eight, immediately took to the touchable world of the iPad. He had a seemingly infinite amount of interactive games to choose from, with prizes he could see and touch. But I discovered there is also a dark side. What started as fun for my son turned into a mess of anxiety, stress and countless temper tantrums.


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