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Thursday, November 19, 2015

The University Gone Feral

On campus, social norms no longer apply. 

The university, long exempted from social norms and rules, has gone wild in the 21st century — or rather, regressed to pre-puberty. 

The University of Missouri campus police now request that students — a group not known for polite vocabulary — call law enforcement if someone disparages them with hurtful names.

On the same campus, a media professor shouts for students in the vicinity to strong-arm a student photographer to stop him from taking pictures in a way that she does not approve. Other staff members try to block and push away a journalist they find bothersome. 

Since when do thuggish faculty, in Michael Corleone fashion, call in muscle to intimidate students who are exercising their First Amendment rights? Since when do quite privileged Yale students — in mini–Cultural Revolution style — surround and, teary-eyed, shout obscenities at their professor? Their target was declared to be guilty of some infraction against the people by an ad hoc court of whiny elites, poorly acting the role of the Committee of Public Safety. Apparently his offense was to suggest that students should not become hysterical when they see Halloween costumes they don’t like. Shouting down guest speakers, disrupting events, and mobbing individuals would not be tolerated at Disney World, so why on campus?



  1. This is the reaping of the seeds sown at the millennial.
    These kids were taught and told that they can do no wrong, that there was no consequences for their decisions, and that they are entitled.

    Wait 'til they figure out they were lied to.
    Wait 'til they figure out that the world doesn't play fair.

  2. Did they get in trouble when they acted like this in daycare?

  3. To answer the question "Did they get in trouble when they acted like this in daycare" - the answer is no they did not get in trouble. I keep writing to express this. Teachers are not allowed or get no support when they try to correct bad behavior. In the school of today, every good teacher must decide to teach to those who want to learn and ignore the rest. So in many class rooms you will observe a group of kids sitting in the back of the room. These kids will be sleeping or drawing or walking in and out of class at will. The teacher has given up on them because the administration in our county's schools will not (or are not allowed to) do anything to correct behavior.

  4. 4:17 Nothing is new under the Sun. My 83 year old father is a poor reader He says because during WWII teachers focused on the bright kids and put the deficient students in the back of the class or gave them projects like collecting newspapers for the war effort. It all goes back to the adage that if you find a public sector employee who is interested in the job they were hired for you've found a rare gem.


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