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Monday, November 02, 2015

The Daily Times Falls Short On Salisbury Campaign Finances Once Again

Last week the Daily Times did an article about campaign fundraising. Most of what they said was factual and true but they very conveniently left out a huge portion referencing the Coastal Association of Realtors. It's a disservice to every single citizen of Salisbury to NOT do their job while charging you money to read their trash.

You see, there are thousands upon thousands of dollars funneled into very expensive post cards and postal expense from a PAC that supported certain candidates. The one above was paid for by Maryland REALTORS' for independent political action and the Coastal Association of Realtors. It goes on to flat out say, "not paid for or authorized by candidate or other contributors"

How convenient for the Daily Times to ignore that certain special out of state PAC's have such an interest in this tiny little election. 

So again I ask, do you really feel the Daily Times is serving this community properly or professionally? The mere fact that Mr. Tim Spies has served on the council for two terms and Heath was a fill in, the Daily Times has endorsed the third candidate who openly admits he is NOT from the Salisbury area and to top it off has never been seen at a City Council Meeting. 

For a company that has at least a Staff, gets paid every day from its subscribers, one would think they'd tell the whole truth, UNLESS they too have an agenda.


  1. Certainly they have an agenda and have for years.

  2. Subscriber money is only a minor income for the Times. Their bread and butter is in the advertising, especially real estate advertising. Daily ads, special sections and inserts cost lots. Without those ads the paper would fold.
    It's no wonder that the Times ignored the PAC money. Their orders come from the realtors and their close buddies, their meal ticket.

  3. Spies has only served one term, but no matter. He has been serving Salisbury for years on top of that. Not just his own neighborhood either, but many of the poorer neighborhoods, too.

    Spies has also served his country, patching up our service men and women in Iraq.

    Heath's connection via that realtor mailer lost him a lot of respect with me.

    As for the Daily Times, that was an endorsement against Spies and nothing more. And someone should tell Mr. Lindsay to have more respect for the law and take his campaign signs out of the public medians on Riverside Drive.

  4. There are professionals at work here, not just postcard mailings. It's obvious that the realtor's PAC hired people that do this for a living to coordinate the PR. Add that expense to the mailings and ads that cost over $12,000 for just Heath's campaign.
    Funny that none of the big realtors live in District 3. They really don't care about District 3 - they just want a slice of the bigger pie, the public dollars.

  5. If the DT Rag endorsed Lindsay, they must be hoping to split the vote between him and Spies so Heath has a cakewalk.

    This way, they can claim they weren't endorsing Heath when, yes, they were.

    The DT should just shut down. It has had a major role in the decline of Salisbury. Yes, Susan Parker, I think that more than includes you, too.

  6. The endorsement of Lindsay with no solid reason why points to the Daily Times doing what it's always done, which is tow the barge for the banks, real estate, landlords and "investors". This is so transparent. The DT should be ridden out on a rail, especially Susan Parker, the angry lapdog.


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