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Monday, November 02, 2015

Governor Larry Hogan Visits “Maryland Pride!” Corn Maze

Governor Larry Hogan Visits “Maryland Pride!” Corn Maze
Participates in Annual Cancer-Awareness Fundraiser
ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Larry Hogan today visited Lawyer’s Farm in Thurmont, Maryland, to support their annual Farm Fundraiser. Lawyer's Farm will donate all of today's admission and ticket sales to the American Cancer Society in honor of the farm's founder, Jan Lawyer, who passed away to cancer in 2013. Governor Hogan also joined Taylor Huffman, Jan Lawyer's daughter and current manager of Lawyer's Farm, in presenting the American Cancer Society with a $1,500 check.

“I'm thrilled to be here at Lawyer’s Farm with so many friends to help raise awareness and funds for the American Cancer Society,” Governor Hogan said. “Cancer has touched all of us in some way–either personally, or through family or friends–and today’s event will bring awareness to this disease and help support all those who are fighting the battle of their lives.”

Lawyer's Farm chose "Maryland Pride!" as this year’s maze theme, and the maze itself includes images of Governor Hogan, #HoganStrong, the state of Maryland, the Maryland flag, and an Oriole bird. More information on this year’s event can be found on the Lawyer’s Farm website.

Since he was diagnosed with stage III non-Hodgkin lymphoma in June, Governor Hogan has participated in numerous cancer outreach events. The governor has signed three statewide proclamations declaring September Blood Cancer Awareness Month and Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and October Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Maryland. The governor’s office also partnered with the American Red Cross, Delete Blood Cancer, and There Goes My Hero to host a blood drive and bone marrow registry at the State House.

In addition, the governor has attended Baltimore Orioles, Washington Redskins, and Baltimore Ravens games with childhood cancer patients from the Ronald McDonald House, the Cool Kids Campaign, and the University of Maryland Medical Center to raise awareness for pediatric and blood cancer.

In June, Governor Hogan started HoganStrong to raise awareness and resources for cancer-fighting organizations.

1 comment:

  1. Is that farm art for real? That is amazing!!!


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