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Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Best Way to Prevent Drunk Driving? That's Debatable.

Advocates and states disagree over the effectiveness of ignition interlocks, which are basically car breathalyzers, versus 24/7 sobriety. Congress, though, will soon weigh in.

In the fight against drunk driving, states are splitting into two groups. They disagree over the best way to discourage convicted drunk drivers from driving drunk again and, in the process, are raising questions about the effectiveness of ignition interlocks. Now, after years of state lawmakers choosing sides, Congress will get involved too.

The disagreements come a decade after all states adopted laws making it a crime to drive with a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher. Since then, the number of U.S. deaths in alcohol-related crashes has declined from about 13,000 a year to about 10,000 a year. But the numbers haven’t changed much since 2010, so advocates have pushed states to take further measures to try to decrease the death toll.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) champions laws that require all people convicted of drunk driving to install ignition interlock devices in their vehicles. The devices prevent the cars or trucks from starting unless the driver breathes into the machine and proves the person is not under the influence of alcohol. So far 25 states have passed that type of law in the last decade.



  1. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex... Life can be simple...

  2. Whats next weight limit,
    Can sence if your angry
    ................................ blood pressure is up
    Leave me alone MADD.

  3. there is a lot of $$ in the ignition locking industry

  4. You can start a door

  5. Satellite monitoring of course.When any device has been negotiated an audible warning will be sent to the driver to cease driving.If that warning is ignored the engine will be automatically shut off and the police notified.

  6. They need to relax the drinking and driving laws maybe raise the alcohol level.

  7. don't worry congress will get this figured out

  8. Lower it back to 18,

  9. Piss off the drunks and TAX, TAX, TAX alcohol! That is what you did to smokers!

  10. Maybe people should take some personal responsibility and not drive while impaired. There are very low rates of DUI in countries with mandatory prison sentences for even 1st time offenders.

  11. There may be some money in ignition locking business, but it PALES IN COMPARISON to the money in DUI LAWS!

    States make big money on DUI laws. If everyone stopped drinking and driving some states may go bankrupt!

  12. We could put one hell of a dent in drunk driving by outlawing individual sales of cans of beer and the big one, outlaw sales of cold beer. Beer is not stored in the brewery after bottling or canning in 33 degrees. Most American's can't stand warm beer, so this would really stop a lot of the "Ride home drinkers".

  13. I'm a ride home drinker. I usually have 1 12 oz beer on the way home. I am by no means drunk or over the limit. Guilty of open container, yeah maybe, but ain't never had anyone look in my MCdonalds' sweet tea cup. Tip: Put can of beer in cup, straw in beer and lid back on cup.

  14. Drunks are just that drunks. Stay off the roads when drinking. I despise a drunk driver. Don't care how drunk you get just don't drive that's all.

  15. We need to do like Turkey, a drunk driver causes an accident, you are killed, end of problem.

  16. Anonymous said...
    I'm a ride home drinker. I usually have 1 12 oz beer on the way home. I am by no means drunk or over the limit. Guilty of open container, yeah maybe, but ain't never had anyone look in my MCdonalds' sweet tea cup. Tip: Put can of beer in cup, straw in beer and lid back on cup.

    November 18, 2015 at 3:55 PM

    depending on your body weight you very well could be driving while impaired. didn't you hear? only cops and judges are allowed to drive drunk

  17. 11:12 Really? I'm not Mike Lewis - 5'6 165lbs. Maybe your domestic partner gets tipsy after a champagne cooly, but I can assure you I ain't no where near 0.08 after 1 beer.

  18. Drinking and driving should be allowed.


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