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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Baltimore Mayor says city will welcome Syrian refugees

BALTIMORE (WUSA9) -- Going against the sentiment expressed by her governor, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie-Rawlings Blake says she will welcome Syrian refugees to her city.

In a statement Tuesday, Rawlings-Blake said the city, Maryland and the United States have "proud traditions welcoming refugees seeking assistance from crisis around the world."

Hours before Rawlings-Blake's statement, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan said he is requesting that federal authorities do not allow Syrian refugees to settle in Maryland. Hogan is one of 30 governors across the country to have made similar statements.



  1. Baltimore has enough problems without taking in refugees. She would do anything Obama asks. Disgusting.

  2. Nobody said her demographic was intelligent. Or even hard working. Lets just call a spade a spade shall we? Black America wants to shape the country in their image. That image does not stand shoulder to shoulder with White America. They are the gimmie crowd. The wheres my stuff crowd. They can not be expected to run anything let alone something as complicated as a city.

    Experiment failed. I welcome segrigation.

    BTW how is S. Africa these days. Have they had much luck assimilating blacks into European culture? Or are whites the only ones stupid enough to beleive its possible.

  3. another clueless moment for this woman...

  4. A murder a day is not enough?

  5. She shows Narcissitic Personality disorder. They need to put her picture by the definition. She is so preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, presige and vanity, and mentally unable to see her DESTRUCTIVE behaviors to herself and others.

    They don't think like "normal" people. She thinks she is a "super power" so out of reality. You can't fix these people!!! They don't see it as it is!!!

  6. Some "proud" traditions are not always good traditions. The U.S. has always had immigration screening laws put in place to protect the nation and its people. To blindly accept refugees from anywhere isn't looking out for the nation or the people, it's irresponsible.

    Blake knows that no matter what the outcome, it's going to mean lots more federal dollars for Baltimore, definitely in social services administrative money and, if things don't go so well, federal disaster relief.

  7. not if governor says no.

    1. Doesn't matter her city. She isn't looking for reelection doesn't need his support. Sad times.

  8. It is a FACT that there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to screen them! Records of these refugees DON"T exist in Syria especially after you've had 5 years of civil war! We don't even have a relationship with this country!!!

    General reasoning eliminated this possibility completely! WE don't need CIA or the President of the United States to sell us lies!!!

    It's simply not true!! We couldn't even remotely verify their names!!!

    Why does some legislatures think we are uneducated Americans!!!!!!!
    They are uneducated how educated we are and very fact finding!!

  9. This bim should be forced to let them all stay at her house!

  10. The recent riots demonstrate her inability to control and manage who already lives there. What's she going to do if a wave of Syrians come there? Burn another drug store?

  11. Know this...the objective of Every liberal is to take your hard earned money and Give it to those not working hard in order to control both populations.

  12. the worst thing the Orioles have going for them after their ownership is this moron

  13. Know this...the objective of Every liberal is to take your hard earned money and Give it to those not working hard in order to control both populations.

    Well said 9:24

  14. stephanie blake doesn't need to read von Clausewitz' On War to know that the stain a state or people takes on their reputation for failing to assert themselves always leads to larger future problems. Maybe that's why there's so many parvenus in bmore vying for the biggest gold chain. On the plus bmore will probably get a great connect for the #3 gold afghani heroin they love up there

  15. How about we take care of our veterans and homeless first. That should be our first priority.

  16. They surely cant be any worst than the Terrorists they already have. Besides, Obamation will give her a kick back on money.

    These people will follow Hail HItler Obama to the end.


  17. Cut her budget and Boycott Baltimore.

  18. she is a perfect fit for baltimore

  19. and if they cross the bridge, I'm ventilating their forehead and sending them back

  20. Yeah, she'll welcome them, until they start assaulting and harassing black women for dressing like hootchie hags, and beating "youths" for being drunk, and chopping off the hands of thieves.

  21. Do you think the Crips and the Bloods might team up to take on the Refugees?

    That would be very interesting.

  22. And give them room to destroy and loot.

  23. Anonymous said...
    How about we take care of our veterans and homeless first. That should be our first priority.

    November 18, 2015 at 10:26 AM

    VERY well put!!!!

  24. This is all about her trying to keep the city afloat. Each one of those refugees will get all types of hand outs from the government. That will mean more money being spent in the city. They will need more stores and the refugees will open them tax free! There is really no benefit to the tax payers. Just more of our money being wasted instead of going to help Americans.

  25. Send all the refugees to Baltimore. They will be heading back home in no time!

  26. She wants more money from the governor and then she makes this stupid statement. Will she welcome them into her home? I think not!

  27. She needs to be terminatedNovember 22, 2015 at 2:43 PM

    Write Governor Hogan and tell him to FIRE HER!!!

  28. I agree with most of the comments already made. Let's allow Baltimore the opportunity to feed the immigrants. Don't ask for any state or federal money. Baltimore is trying to overtake Chicago to become the murder capital of America. Shore-up your own ship mayor.


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